Research Topics

[Translate to English:] picture of the deposition chamber and sketch of the reaction

Thin films are essential in our research and enable us to study new materials, the influence of microstructure or defined model electrodes.

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[Translate to English:] reaction mechanism and data representing the research topic

Mixed electronic and ionic conductors (MIECs) are a special material class often employed for electrochemical energy conversion.

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[Translate to English:] pictures of measurement setups

Owing to the need of answering complicated scientific questions, we need novel experimental approaches to establish and test fundamental concepts to deeper understand solid state electrochemistry.

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[Translate to English:] sample sketch, equivalent circuit anf data representing the research topic

The characterization of electrochemical cells or cell constituents is one of our main research tasks. In electrochemical devices that may range from thin film model systems to a full battery, fuel or electrolysis cell stack, the current passing through the cells is a direct measure for the electrochemical reaction rate. Aim is to gain insight into rates and mechanisms of the electrochemical reaction.

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[Translate to English:] sample sketch and data representing the research topic

Electro-Chemo-Mechanics considers the relationship between electrical, chemical, and mechanical properties of a system. The term is also used for investigations of systems in which all of these three parameters are important, since adjusting one property causes a change of the other two.

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[Translate to English:] sample sketch and reaction mechanism

Solid oxide cells (SOCs) are electrochemical energy converters, whose components - as the name already suggests - consist of solid oxides.

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[Translate to English:] microscope images of samples

The use of geometrically well-defined electrodes is one of the key features of our experimental approach. By designing the geometry of the investigated electrochemical system, one obtains the ability to operate an electrochemical model cell in a highly defined manner.

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[Translate to English:] sketch of the reaction mechanism and data sets representing the research topic

Photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) typically use water as electrolyte and semiconducting electrodes, which are able to absorb light at a certain wavelength.

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