RIS Synergy

RIS Synergy is a digitalization project funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) that builds upon its proposal for `a digital transformation in higher education´. It is led by TU Wien and involves 18 partners, including 14 universities and 4 funding agencies.
RIS Synergy provides relief and visibility to the academic sector by establishing standards, digitalization services, and expertise connections.

The project aims to develop open access and exchange possibilities for systems used by funding agencies, research institutions, and public administration. This establishes a sustainable and future-based foundation for the digitalization of the Austrian research landscape. Standardized metadata exchange eases the burden on researchers, enhances efficiency and quality in research support, and improves the data quality of research outputs.
The interconnection of research information, initiatives, projects, and services enables a comprehensive and diverse representation of Austria's research environment for all relevant research players.

Within the scope of RIS Synergy, a conceptual study for a national research portal will be developed, and it is intended to showcase research achievements in Austria. This portal can help identify new research focal points and offer innovative networking opportunities for research, politics, industry, and the general public.

ARI&Snet (Austrian Research Information & Service Network)

Within the framework of the ARI&Snet project, an institutionalized national network is being established for the coordination, planning, and management of research facilities, services, research information, and research data infrastructure. Taking into account both national and international strategies and standards, ARI&Snet significantly reinforces Austrian initiatives in the field of digital research support, ensuring the long-term operation of both existing and newly developed services.

These shared services act as a catalyst for Open Science and contribute to the advancement of Austrias future-proof research landscape. Furthermore, they form the basis for an effective platform of information and services for Austrian research. ARI&Snet creates sustainable synergies between digitalization projects, research institutions, the BMBWF, and digitalization initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This results in a significant added value for the digital and social transformation in higher education.