The outsourced FS industry is the third-biggest industry of employment in the EU [2]. This makes the FS industry very important. Furthermore, it must be noted, that services around buildings and infrastructure cannot be off-shored. FM-activities have a high significance for process optimisation [3]. Therefore, the application of new technologies, like IoT, AI and ML becomes an important factor [4].

Many studies are analysing the impact of digitalisation on work processes. These studies assume that routine-tasks will be most affected and conclude that there will be drastic changes and shifts in required skills [6, 7, 10]. The study of Frey and Osborne [10] showed on how susceptible different jobs were to computerisation in the US. They estimated that 47 % of all jobs would probably be substituted by computers. On basis of technological progress in machine learning, mobile robotics, they determined the probability of computerisation for over 700 occupations. Furthermore, the study of Stopajnik et al 2017 [2], shows the impact of digitalisation on the Facility Service Industry. They estimated, that typical FS activities [8] are at very high risk, e.g. Installation. Maintenance, repair work has a 50 % probability to be automatised, janitors and cleaners have a probability of 66 %, and first-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers show a probability of 94 %. [2,9] to be automatised.

Existing research postulates, that technological developments like IoT, AI, ML can help to fulfil FM requirements better and reduce costs in the same time. The existing studies give only a macro-economic view on the changes within FS. [2, 7, 10] But an estimation of relevant technologies and use cases/scenarios are needed to depict how these technologies will change the industry. The objectives of this presentation are to provide an evaluation of the relevant technologies, their application possibilities (case studies) and their technical and economic feasibility. The questions are:

What technologies are relevant for optimisation of the facility service provision?
What is their technical and economic feasibility?
Based on the analysis of more than 400 use cases from literature but also from expert interviews the relevant technologies and use cases are depicted. To broaden the scope also cases from other industries were included in the analysis. 

Digital Transformation of Processes:

But Digitalization is not (only) about using more sensors and 5g the faster internet connection. It is about process changes – disruptive changes. If the current partners in Facility Management and Service provision are not following this new developments their business will be taken over by other companies from other industries. e.g. The largest providers for rooms has no hotel (AirBnB) the largest offer for logistics comes from a company owning no car (UBER).

But what areas will change? What does digitalization mean in practice for us? Therefore based on the results, the IFM develops reference processes, new service offers, new was of co-operation models validates them with international experts, in order to define best practice for this disruptive change.



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