Seminar for Thesis Research

Please register by e-mail directly to your supervisor and a copy to Line Nielsen ( at least two weeks before the respective date. Your mail should contain the following: Your name, presentation title and language of the presentation (German or English) and the type of presentation (concept or final presentation). In addition, please tell us on which date and in which time slot you would like to give the presentation. Concept presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, final presentations 30 minutes. Please also register for LVA 330.114 Seminar for Thesis Research, opens an external URL in a new window.

Dates WS 2024/25

12.03.202511:00 - 12:00OnlineYi WangEndpresentation: Artificial intelligence in recruitment: a qualitative analysis and requirements for promoting fairness.
12.03.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
19.03.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
19.03.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
02.04.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
02.04.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
09.04.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
09.04.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
07.05.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
07.05.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
14.05.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
14.05.202512:00 - 13;00Online  
21.05.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
21.05.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
04.06.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
04.06.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
11.06.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
11.06.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
18.06.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
18.06.202512:00 - 13:00Online