Seminar for Thesis Research

Please register by e-mail directly to your supervisor and a copy to Line Nielsen ( at least two weeks before the respective date. Your mail should contain the following: Your name, presentation title and language of the presentation (German or English) and the type of presentation (concept or final presentation). In addition, please tell us on which date and in which time slot you would like to give the presentation. Concept presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, final presentations 30 minutes. Please also register for LVA 330.114 Seminar for Thesis Research, opens an external URL in a new window.

Dates WS 2024/25

09.10.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
09.10.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
16.10.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
16.10.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
23.10.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
23.10.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
06.11.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
06.11.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
13.11.202411:00 - 12:00OnlineMariella Frisch    Concept presentation: Exploring the fifth day - Analyzing how employees use their extra time in a compressed workweek
13.11.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
20.11.202411:00 - 12:00OnlineKastner JosefConcept presentation: AI IN THE LOOP - Examining the Impact of different Algorithmic Decision Support Systems on the Quality of Skin Cancer Diagnosis
20.11.202412:00 - 13;00Online  
04.12.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
04.12.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
11.12.202411:00 - 12:00Online  
11.12.202412:00 - 13:00Online  
08.01.202511:00 - 12:00OnlineHeyduck Konstantin

Final presentation: Kooperation von Start-Ups und etablierten Unternehmen im Kontext der Sustainable Development Goals

08.01.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
16.01.202511:00 - 12:00Online  
16.01.202512:00 - 13:00Online  
22.01.202511:00 - 12:00OnlineBartelmuss MarkFinal presentation: Innovative Ansätze für die Optimierung der digitalen Prüfungsabwicklung
22.01.202512:00 - 13:00Online