CO2Refinery - News

CO2Refinery at the 22nd Austrian climate day

Information desk of CO2Refinery at the 22nd Austrian climate days

April 20th, 2022 Climate day Icebreaker event @TUtheSky

The CO2Refinery doctoral college was represented with an information desk at the Austrian climate days, April 20-22, and provided information about the project to interested visitors in a relaxed atmosphere. The Icebreaker event was the start for the following days and offered already brief inputs in different presentations by Karin Raith (University of Vienna: "Bring the locations to the people!"), Günter Emberger (TU Wien: "Climate change, climate goals - What does it mean for me?") and Christian Ruschitzka (Short film about "Zuchtgletscher"). The presentations provided facts for lively discussions among the audience. Besides the information desk of CO2Refinery, it was possible to gather information about the media management of TU Bib-IT and the master's program in Green chemistry.