High-rise with vertical greening in the lakeside city of Aspern

The topic of this 15th Concrete Student Trophy, which started in the summer term of 2020, was a high-rise with vertical greening in the lakeside city of Aspern.

The aim of the project work was the comprehensive interdisciplinary processing of a realistic task from the field of civil engineering.

And the winner is... Incredibly, no fewer than five projects from TU Wien are among the winners of the ‘Concrete Student Trophy 2020’!

We are delighted that second, third, fourth place and two recognitions went to our teams at TU Wien. Of course, we also warmly congratulate the winning team from TU Graz on their first-place finish!

The TU Vienna winning projects in order:

2nd place: ‘Living Tetris’ by Daniel Wistrcil, Denise Jarabe and Dominik Neugebauer.

3rd place: ‘EIN Familienhaus’ by Clemens Frey, Birk Stauber and Andreas Ramsmaier

4th place: ‘Grüne Spirale’ by Petar Stanojevic, Petar Palibrik and Milan Jovic

Honourable mention: ‘Climbing Curtain’ by David-Manuel Hein, Nada Ahmed and Yannick Mahlmann

Honourable mention: ‘Concrete Jungle’ by Hanna Jensen, Sinem Basnaoglu and Rene Kron