Using the example of the Nordbahnviertel educational landscape

Workshop at the Nordbahnhalle

© Ekaterina Winter

Project description


The research project analyzes municipal educational landscapes using the example of the development area Nordbahnviertel in Vienna.

Based on the experiences and findings on the development of local educational landscapes and the networking of formal, non-formal and informal learning places and learning processes in urban districts, the research project aims to identify, visualize and contextualize exemplary innovation potentials. These are to show different possibilities, models and variants of "learning in the urban district Nordbahnviertel". In the context of this, interfaces between the different educational opportunities (especially school/primary level and district) will be located on a practical-concrete level and the associated potentials and qualities for future urban educational spaces will be explored and made visible.

In terms of research-guided teaching, the concept module "Bildungsraum Stadt" served as a student engagement with the topic in the summer semester 2018.


A project at the initiative of "Bildungslandschaften in Bewegung, opens an external URL in a new window" (Arbeitsraum Bildung, TU Wien and AUVA - Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt).


Handling: Christian Peer, Emanuela Semlitsch