Logo: Wissensplattform Stadtentwicklung

© Nr. 137 - STEP 2025

Logo: Wissensplattform Stadtentwicklung

Project description

Period: 2011-2012


Complex development processes require special platforms of open and quality-related dialogues. The introduction of ideas and experiences from outside, the discussion about strategies, methods and instruments or the debate about the design of communicative and participative processes create an enormous procedural and technical wealth. 

In close cooperation between the municipal administration responsible for urban development issues, scientists of TU Wien together with experts, the "Knowledge Platform Urban Development" established and moderated by IFOER takes these demands into account, especially in questions of a theoretical penetration and subject-specific debate of urban development-relevant questions, challenges, processes, strategies and instruments.

The dialogue between university and city administration, between science and practice is to be promoted. University research is to be more strongly oriented towards issues and challenges of international metropolitan development and at the same time provide suggestions for solving problems in Vienna.

Strategic and urban development-relevant questions and fields of action in coping with upcoming challenges will be discussed, such as the design of urban development processes, regional governance and urban-rural cooperation, knowledge and education, social change, mobility and transport, trade and center development, housing, public space, etc.


Handling: Rudolf Scheuvens, René Ziegler, Philip Krassnitzer (TU Wien) and the City of Vienna