
05. Dezember 2022, 12:00 bis 13:00

Virtual Info Lunch Break | EMBA Innovation, Digitalization and Entrepreneurship


During our Virtual Info Lunch Break, we will give you an overview of this program’s unique features and answer your individual questions.

Turning great ideas into reality.

Business opportunities are constantly arising in new technologies and many ideas are just waiting for their commercial implementation. Especially at the interface between management and technology there is a great amount of unexplored potential. The ability to make use of it is a key qualification. Innovation always comprises both: a great new idea and its professional implementation. Analyzing technology paths, identifying innovation opportunities at an early stage and conducting business in an entrepreneurial way are the most important competitive factors of future-proof businesses. 

With the EMBA Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship you learn how to “read” the digital roadmap and how to incorporate creative solutions. You develop the appropriate skills, techniques and the drive to initiate and implement dynamic innovation as well as start-up projects.

Next program start: March 12, 2023

Join our info session online

During our Virtual Info Session, we will give you an overview of this program’s unique features and answer your individual questions, together with the Academic Director Prof. Sabine T. Köszegi & the program team.

Date: December 5th, 12 - 1 PM (Vienna local time) via Zoom

You will receive the Zoom link after registration.

Interested? Then please register via our contact form.

We are looking forward to your participation and to meeting you online!



Online Event



TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education
Martha Hudetz, MA








Anmeldung erforderlich


Register with our contact form.