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Im Druck erschienene Originalbeiträge

G. Aronis, M. Gföhler, T. Angeli: "Effect of upper limb Exoskeleton on muscular activity of the user“
29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in Edinburgh, Schottland, 30.06.-03.07.2024

Margit Gföhler: "Exoskelette als Unterstützung in Reha und Pflege";
Keynote Vortrag Superkräfte durch Exoskelette, Innsbruck, Österreich, 01.06.2023

Markus Puchinger, Nithin Kurup, Karin Gstaltner, Marcus G. Pandy, Margit Gföhler: "Metabolic Cost and Mechanical Efficiency of a Novel Handle-Based Device for Wheelchair Propulsion", öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54, 2022, DOI: 10.2340/jrm.v54.1503

Markus Puchinger, Pia Stefanek, Karin Gstaltner, Marcus G. Pandy, Margit Gföhler: "In Vivo Biomechanical Assessment of a Novel Handle-Based Wheelchair Drive";
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 1669-1678, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3105388

E. Ambrosini, G. Gasperini, J. Zajc, N. Immick, A. Augsten, M. Rossini, R. Ballarati, M. Russold, S. Ferrante, G. Ferrigno, M. Bulgheroni, W. Baccinelli, T. Schauer, C. Wiesener, M. Gföhler, M. Puchinger, M. Weber, S. Weber, A. Pedrocchi, F. Molteni: "A Robotic System with EMG-Triggered Functional Eletrical Stimulation for Restoring Arm Functions in Stroke Survivors";
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 35 (4), p334-345; DOI: 10.1177/1545968321997769

Martin Elenkov, Benjamin Lukitsch, Paul Ecker, Christoph Janeczek, Michael Harasek, Margit Gföhler: "Evaluation of Different Control Algorithms for Carbon Dioxide Removal with Membrane Oxygenators, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster"
Applied Sciences Journal 23(23), 2022, DOI:10.3390/app122311890, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli: "Technik für Menschen, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster";
ÖZIV Inklusiv, 02/2022; S. 26-29

M. Harasek, B. Haddadi, C. Jordan, M. Gföhler, C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, L. Futter, C. Krenn, S. Neudl, R. Ullrich:
"Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO2 Reduction in a Blood-Membrane Contactor";
International Journal of Artificial Organs, 40 (2017), 8; S. 414.

A. Karabegovic, M. Hinteregger, C. Janeczek, W. Mohl, M. Gföhler:
"Closed-loop helium circulation system for actuation of a continuously operating heart catheter pump";
International Journal of Artificial Organs, 40 (2017), 6; S. 272 - 281.

M. Gföhler, C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, L. Futter, M. Harasek, B. Haddadi, C. Jordan, C. Krenn, S. Neudl, R. Ullrich:
"Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO2 Reduction in the Blood - Drive Unit and Control System";
   44th ESAO and 7th IFAO Congress, Vienna; 06.09.2017 - 09.09.2017; in: "International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Publishing, Volume 40 Number 8 August (2017), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 458.

N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Puchinger, M. Gföhler:
"Dynamically Optimized Muscle Activity Patterns From A Novel Handle Based Propulsion Movement For A Wheelchair";
  35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Köln; 14.06.2017 - 18.06.2017; in: "International Society of Biomechanics Conference Proceedings", N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Puchinger, M. Gföhler (Hrg.); International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), German Sport University Cologne, Köln (Cologne) (2017), Paper-Nr. 35, 4 S.

M. Puchinger, N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Gföhler:
"A Test Rig for Investigating Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Devices";
  Technically Assisted Rehabilitation 2017, Berlin; 09.03.2017 - 10.03.2017; in: "Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering", M. Puchinger, N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Gföhler (Hrg.); De Gruyter, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering - Abstracts - TAR-Conference 2017 - Berlin, March 9-10 (2017), ISSN: 1862-4871; S. 12.

E. Ambrosini, M. Gföhler, M. Puchinger et al.:
"The combined action of a passive exoskeleton and an EMG-controlled neuroprosthesis for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: First results of the RETRAINER project.";
   15th IEEE Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017), London; 17.07.2017 - 20.07.2017; in: "IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2017", IEEE (Hrg.); IEEE, 2017 (2017), ISSN: 1945-7901; S. 56 - 61.

M. Gandolla, M. Gföhler, M. Puchinger et al.:
"BRIDGE - Behavioural reaching interfaces during daily antigravity activities through upper limb exoskeleton: Preliminary results.";
   15th IEEE Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017), London; 17.07.2017 - 20.07.2017; in: "The 15th IEEE Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017)", IEEE (Hrg.); IEEE, 2017 (2017), ISSN: 1945-7901; S. 1007 - 1012

Christoph Müller, Manfred Berthold, M. Gföhler:
"Bewegende Architektur";
in: "querschnitt", herausgegeben von: Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung Technische Universität Wien; Publikation zum Forschungstag 2016/17 der Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, Wegweisungen 19, Wien, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-902707-32-1 , S. 198 - 199.

T. Angeli, C. Kumpf, B. Gmeiner, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla:
"Calculated forces on tibia and femur during Leg Press and seated execution of ordinary Calf Raise exercise due to ground reaction forces on the Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space";
  ESA / ISGP / CNES Joint Life Sciences Meeting 2016 'Life in Space for Life on Earth´, Toulouse; France; 05.06.2016 - 10.06.2016; in: "Joint Life Science Meeting 'Life in Space for Life on Earth´", International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP), (2016), S. 181 - 182.

M. Bulgheroni, M. Gföhler, M. Puchinger et al.:
"Reaching And Grasping Training Based On Robotic Hybrid Assistance For Neurological Patients";
  12th Vienna International Workshop on FES, Wien; 08.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "12th Vienna International Workshop on FES", (2016), S. 21 - 24.

M. Puchinger, M. Gföhler et al.:
"The ReTrainer arm exoskeleton - a modular lightweight device that combines adjustable gravity compensation, lockable joints and neuromuscular electrical stimulation.";
  12th Vienna International Workshop on FES, Wien; 08.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "12th Vienna International Workshop on FES", (2016), S. 11 - 14.

M. Bulgheroni, M. Gföhler et al.:
"REACHING AND GRASPING TRAINING BASED ON ROBOTIC HYBRID ASSISTANCE FOR NEUROLOGICAL PATIENTS Telehealth and Assistive Technology / 847: Intelligent Systems and Robotics (TAT 2016)";
  IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Zürich, CH; 06.10.2016 - 08.10.2016; in: "Telehealth and Assistive Technology / 847: Intelligent Systems and Robotics (TAT 2016)", ACTA press, 847 (2016), S. 1 - 8.

A. Karabegovic, C. Janeczek, M. Hinteregger, M. Gföhler:
"Results of in-vitro tests on a 2:1 prototype of a percutaneous ventricular assist device";
  The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv; 20.09.2016 - 22.09.2016; in: "CMBBE2016 book of abstracts", (2016).

C. Janeczek, L. Futter, S. Neudl, A. Karabegovic, R. Suszek, M. Harasek, R. Ullrich, C. Krenn, M. Gföhler:
"Test circuit for quantification of gas exchange between blood and a sweep fluid in an intravascular membrane catheter";
   The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv; 20.09.2016 - 22.09.2016; in: "CMBBE2016 book of abstracts", (2016).

N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Gföhler:
"A Computational Optimization of a Continuous Handle Path";
  10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, Split, Croatia; 03.07.2016 - 06.07.2016; in: "Acex2016 - Abstract Book", (2016), S. 120.

N. Babu Rajendra Kurup, M. Gföhler:
"A preliminary study on the influence of cadence on path optimized handle-based propulsion for wheelchairs";
  The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv, Israel; 20.09.2016 - 22.09.2016; in: "CMBBE2016 book of abstracts", (2016).

A. Karabegovic, C. Janeczek, M. Hinteregger, M. Gföhler:
"Results Of In-Vitro Tests On A 1:1 Prototype Of A Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Device";
   XLIII Annual ESAO Congress, Warsaw; 14.09.2016 - 17.09.2016; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Int J Artif Organs, Wichtig Publishing, 39(7):358 (2016), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 360.

C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, M. Hinteregger, R. Willinger, M. Gföhler:
"Static And Dynamic Characteristics Of A Minimally Invasive Heart Catheter Pump";
   XLIII Annual ESAO Congress, Warschau; 14.09.2016 - 17.09.2016; in: "Int J Artif Organs", Wichtig Publishing, 39(7):358 (2016), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 360.

C. Janeczek, M. Hinteregger, A. Karabegovic, R. Willinger, W. Mohl, V. Soragnese, M. Gföhler:
"Minimally Invasive, Pneumatically Operated Left Ventricular Assist Device - Design And First In-Vitro Results";
   21st Congresss of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2015), Prague (eingeladen); 05.07.2015 - 08.07.2015; in: "21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics", (2015)

T. Angeli, B. Gmeiner, C. Kumpf, N. Barta, R Talla:
"Load On Tibia During Seated Execution Of Ordinary Calf Raises On The Multifunctional Dynamometer For Application In Space (mds)";
in: "IAC 2015 Jerusalem", IAC 2015, 2015, 3 S.

T. Angeli, B. Gmeiner, C. Kumpf:
"Load On The Tibia During The Seated Execution Of Ordinary Calf Raises On The Multifunctional Dynamometer For Application In Space";
  66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, Jerusalem; 12.10.2015 - 16.10.2015; in: "IAC 2015 Jerusalem", (2015), 1 S.

B. Gmeiner, C. Kumpf, N. Barta, R Talla, G. Adamcik, T. Angeli:
"High-intensity resistance training on an isokinetic dynamometer for spaceflight";
   INTERNATIONAL Society for Gravitational Physiology. Annual Meeting (36; 2015; Ljubljana), Ljubljana; 07.06.2015 - 12.06.2015; in: "Book of abstracts / International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 36th Annual Meeting, June 7-12, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia ; Igor B. Mekjavic (ed). - Ljubljana: Studio print, 2015", 978-961-93848-0-0 , (2015), S. 88.

T. Angeli, R Talla, E. Fomina, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, H Tschan, N Bachl, I.B. Kozlovskaya:
"A study on the force gain of Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space for 70 days compared with whole isolation time of 520 days during the "Mars 500" Isolation Project";
   INTERNATIONAL Society for Gravitational Physiology. Annual Meeting (36; 2015; Ljubljana), Ljubljana; 07.06.2015 - 12.06.2015; in: "Book of abstracts / International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 36th Annual Meeting, June 7-12, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia ; Igor B. Mekjavic (ed). - Ljubljana: Studio print, 2015", (2015), ISBN: 978-961-93848-0-0; S. 94

W. Reichenfelser, J Karner, M. Gföhler et al.:
"Feedback control of arm movements using Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) combined with a lockable, passive exoskeleton for gravity compensation.";
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8 (2014), S. 1 - 16.

M. Gföhler, W. Reichenfelser et al.:
"Functional and usability assessment of a robotic exoskeleton arm to support activities of daily life";
Robotica, 32 (2014), 8; S. 1213 - 1224.

W. Mohl, M. Gföhler, C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, R. Willinger:
"Intraventricular flow accelerator LVFA";
EACTS Daily News, 1 (2014), S. 18 - 19.

Y. Lin, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
". Quantitative evaluation of the major determinants of human gait.";
Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (2014), 6; S. 1324 - 1331.

A. Karabegovic, M. Hinteregger, C. Janeczek, W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler:
"A Systemic Mock Circulation for In-Vitro Testing of a Pneumatically Operated Left Ventricular Assist Device";
  19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa; 24.08.2014 - 29.08.2014; in: "Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014", A. Karabegovic (Hrg.); (2014), ISBN: 978-3-902823-62-5 ; S. 8409 - 8414.

R. Hainisch, MG Pandy, M. Gföhler:
"Muscle function in crouched gait of children with cerebral palsy";
  12th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2014, Amsterdam; 13.10.2014 - 14.10.2014; in: "CMBBE 2014", (2014), 2 S.

T. Angeli, R Talla, E. Fomina, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, H Tschan, N Bachl, I.B. Kozlovskaya:
"Diagnostic Data Of The Exercise Bench Press, Leg Press And Calf Raises During The Training On The Multifunctional Dynamometer For Application In Space Compared With The Results Of The Whole Isolation Time During The .Mars 500. Project";
  65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada; 29.09.2014 - 03.10.2014; in: "65th International Astronautical Congress", (2014), Paper-Nr. IAC-14.A1.2.8, 3 S.

T. Angeli, R Talla, E. Fomina, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, H Tschan, N Bachl, I.B. Kozlovskaya:
"Gain Or Loss Of Muscle Force During The "Mars 500" Project - Diagnostic Data Of The Whole Isolation Time During The "Mars 500" Project Measured On The Multifunctional Dynamometer For Application In Space";
   Life in Space for Life on Earth, Waterloo, Canada; 15.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "Life in Space for Life on Earth", (2014), S. 96.

T. Angeli, B. Gmeiner, G. Wagenleitner, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla:
"Target-Oriented Loading Of The Lower Limb On A Leg Press In Microgravity";
  Life in Space for Life on Earth, Waterloo, Canada; 15.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "Life in Space for Life on Earth", (2014), S. 29.

A. Pedrocchi, M. Gföhler, W. Reichenfelser, J Karner et al.:
"MUNDUS project: MUltimodal Neuroprosthesis for daily Upper limb Support";
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 10 (2013), 1; S. 1 - 20.

M. Gföhler, C. Peham:
"What can finite element analysis tell us?";
Equine Veterinary Journal (eingeladen), 45 (2013), 3; S. 265 - 266.

M. Hinteregger, C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, H. Mad, H. Hackl, M. Gföhler, R. Willinger, W. Mohl:
"First results in the development of a pneumatically driven temporary left ventricle assist device";
   42nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Freiburg im Breisgau; 17.02.2013 - 20.02.2013; in: "Thorac cardiovasc Surg 2013", Thieme, 61 (2013).

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, J. Hufgard, J. Kastner, K. Gstaltner, M. Gföhler:
"Monitoring Of Spasticity And Functional Ability In Individuals With Incomplete Spinal Injury With A Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling System";
Journal Of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 44. No. 5 (2012), S. 444 - 449.

R. Hainisch, M. Gföhler, Z. Karim, MG Pandy:
"Method for determining musculotendon parameters in subject-specific musculoskeletal models of children developed from MRI data";
Multibody System Dynamics, 1-2 (2012), 28; S. 143 - 156.

E. Ambrosini, S. Ferrante, M. Gföhler, W. Reichenfelser, J Karner, T. Schauer, C. Klauer, G. Ferrigno, A. Pedrocchi:
"A hybrid assistive system to support daily upper limb activities.";
   IFESS 2012, Banff, Canada; 09.09.2012 - 12.09.2012; in: "Proc. of 17th Annual International FES Society Conference", (2012), 4 S.

T. Schauer, C. Klauer, J Karner, W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, E. Ambrosini, S. Ferrante, S. Zwicker, A. Pedrocchi:
"Feedback control of arm movements for a hybrid assistive system to support daily upper limb activities.";
  Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, Berlin; 14.03.2013 - 15.03.2013; in: "Proc. TAR 2013", (2013), 4 S.

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, J. Hufgard, K. Gstaltner, M. Gföhler:
"Effect of FES Cycling Training on Spasticity in Spinal Cord Injured Subjects";
  International Conference on Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Kuala Lumpur; 14.02.2013 - 15.02.2013; in: "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 74 (2013), ISSN: 2010-3778; S. 227 - 230.

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler et al.:
"Hybrid Assistive Device with Gravity Compensation and Feedback Controlled NMES to Support Daily Upper Limb Activities";
  Automed 2013, Dresden; 09.10.2013 - 11.10.2013; in: "Hybrid Assistive Device with Gravity Compensation and Feedback Controlled NMES to Support Daily Upper Limb Activities", (2013), ISBN: 978-3-943356-82-3 ; S. 62 - 63.

A. Karabegovic, H. Hackl, M. Hinteregger, C. Janeczek, W. Mohl, M. Gföhler:
"Development of a Mock Circulation for In-Vitro Testing of a Left Ventricular Assist Device - Preliminary Results";
  Automed 2013, Dresden; 09.10.2013 - 11.10.2013; in: "Automed 2013", (2013), ISBN: 978-3-943356-82-3 ; S. 32 - 33.

R. Hainisch, M. Gföhler, A. Kranzl, MG Pandy:
"Pre- And Post Operative Muscle Function In Crouched Gait - A Case Study Using Mri-Based Musculoskeletal Models";
   " Proc. XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB 2013, Natal, Brasilien; 04.08.2013 - 09.08.2013; in: "Proc. XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB 2013", (2013), 2 S.

M. Hinteregger, C. Janeczek, R. Willinger, H. Mad, H. Hackl, W. Mohl, M. Gföhler:
"Development of a pneumatic driven left ventricular assistant device (LVAD) - preliminary results";
   " Proc. XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB 2013, Natal, Brasilien; 04.08.2013 - 09.08.2013; in: "" Proc. XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB 2013", (2013), Paper-Nr. ps2-22k, 2 S.

W. Reichenfelser, J Karner, M. Gföhler:
"Arm Exoskeleton with Gravity Compensation for Application with NMES";
  International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, Toledo, Spanien; 14.11.2012 - 16.11.2012; in: "Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation", Springer-Verlag, (2012), ISSN: 2195-3562; S. 1159 - 1163

R Talla, G. Adamcik, N. Barta, I.B. Kozlovskaya, H Tschan, N Bachl, T. Angeli:
"New Training and Diagnostic Strategies to Counteract Muscle and Bone Loss in Microgravity";
   Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom; 18.06.2012 - 22.06.2012; in: "Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012", (2012), S. 126.

T. Angeli, R Talla, E. Fomina, N. Barta, H Tschan, N Bachl, I.B. Kozlovskaya:
"Mars 500: Training and Diagnostic with a Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space";
  Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom; 18.06.2012 - 22.06.2012; in: "Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium 2012", (2012), S. 65 - 66.

R. Hainisch, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Computational Simulation of Muscle Function in Crouched Gait in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy";
  6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), University of Vienna; 10.09.2012 - 14.09.2012; in: "CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria", (2012), ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7 ; Paper-Nr. 2809, 2 S.

J Karner, W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler:
"Kinematic and Kinetic Analysis of Human Motion as Design Input for an Upper Extremity Bracing System";
  Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2012), Innsbruck; 15.02.2012 - 17.02.2012; in: "Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference", ACTA Press Proceedings, Doi: 10.2316/p.2012.764-105 (2012), Paper-Nr. 764-105, 8 S.

M. Gföhler:
"Technical Rebuilding of Movement Function Using Functional Electrical Stimulation";
in: "Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes. Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering", P. Gruber, D. Bruckner, Ch. Hellmich, H. Schmiedmayer, H. Stachelberger, I. Gebeshuber (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Springer; Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-642-11933-0 , S. 219 - 244.

R Talla, M. Galea, L. Lythgo, T. Angeli, P. Eser:
"Contralateral comparison of bone geometry, BMD and muscle function in the lower leg and forearm after stroke";
Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 4 (2011), S. 306 - 313.

T. Angeli:
"Neue Strategien in der Rehabilitation und Prävention von Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden";
  20. Ärztetage Grado 2011, Grado; 29.05.2011 - 04.06.2011; in: "20. Ärztetage Grado 2011", (2011), S. 36 - 48.

T. Angeli:
"Erkenntnisse über Mechanismen, die zu Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden führen";
  20. Ärztetage Grado 2011, Grado; 29.05.2011 - 04.06.2011; in: "20. Ärztetage Grado 2011", (2011), S. 2 - 35.

R. Hainisch, M. Gföhler, Z. Karim, MG Pandy:
"Comparison Of Musculoskeletal Parameters In Healthy Children And Children With Cerebral Palsy";
  XIII International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics - ISB Technical Group on Computer Simulation, Leuven, Belgium; 30.06.2011 - 02.07.2011; in: "TGCS Symposium 2011", (2011), 2 S.

R. Hainisch, M. Gföhler, Z. Karim, MG Pandy:
"Method for the determination of musculotendon parameters in subject specific musculoskeletal models based on MRI‐data";
  EUROMECH Colloquium 511 on Biomechanics of Human Motion, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal; 09.03.2011 - 12.03.2011; in: "Euromech Colloquium 511 - Biomechanic of Human Motion. New Frontiers of Multibody Techniques for Clinical Applications", (2011), S. 36.

R. Hainisch, Z. Karim, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Joint Moments in Children with Cerebral Palsy based on Biomechanical Models";
  ESMAC 2011 European Society of Gait Analysis for Adults & Children, Vienna; 15.09.2011 - 17.09.2011; in: "20th Annual Meeting of ESMAC", (2011), S. 44.

W. Reichenfelser, J Karner, M. Gföhler:
"Modular arm orthosis with weight support: mechanical concept";
   International Neurorehabilitation Symposium - INRS 2011, Zürich; 27.06.2011 - 28.06.2011; in: "Rehab Week Zürich 2011", (2011), S. 51.

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, J. Hufgard, K. Gstaltner, J. Kastner, M. Gföhler:
"Monitoring of the rehabilitation progress of subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury";
  24. Jahrestagung der Deutschsprachigen Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Paraplegie, Bad Wildbad; 25.05.2011 - 28.05.2011; in: "Berufliche Rehabilitation Querschnittgelähmter: ein entscheidender Schritt zur gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe", (2011), S. 42 - 43.

W. Reichenfelser, J Karner, M. Gföhler:
"Design Concept for a Mobile Arm Support";
   ESMAC 2011 European Society of Gait Analysis for Adults & Children, Vienna; 15.09.2011 - 17.09.2011; in: "Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children", (2011), S. 162 - 163.

J Karner, W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler:
"Estimation of Requirements for an Upper Extremity Support Using Inverse Dynamics and Motion Analysis";
  ESMAC 2011 European Society of Gait Analysis for Adults & Children, Vienna; 15.09.2011 - 17.09.2011; in: "Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children", (2011), S. 3 - 4.

H. Mad, W. Mohl, M. Gföhler:
"Prototype of a pneumatically operated heart catheter pump.";
in: "Proc. 23rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics ISB 2011", S. van Sint Jan et al. (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: International Society of Biomechanics; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, 2011, Paper-Nr. 545, 2 S.

M. Grösel, Rr Zsoldos, A Kotschwar, M. Gföhler, C. Peham:
"A preliminary model study of the equine back including activity of longissimus dorsi muscle";
Equine Veterinary Journal, 42 (2010), S. 401 - 406.

R. Hainisch, Z. Karim, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Scaling Of Biomechanical Models: A Comparison Of Motion-Tracking Markers And Anatomical Landmarks From Mri";
  9th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE2010, Valencia, Spain (eingeladen); 24.02.2010 - 27.02.2010; in: "9th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE2010", Arup, Solihull, UK, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-9562121-3-9 ; 6 S.

R. Hainisch, Z. Karim, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Modelling and analysis of muscle function in cerebral palsy gait";
  Iutam 2010   Iutam Symposium On Human Movement Analysis And Simulation, Leuven, Belgium (eingeladen); 13.09.2010 - 15.09.2010; in: "Iutam 2010   Iutam Symposium On Human Movement Analysis And Simulation", (2010), ISBN: 978-94-6018-247-1 ; 3 S.

M. Grösel, Rr Zsoldos, A Kotschwar, M. Gföhler, Tf Licka, C. Peham:
"Validation of a biomechanical model of the equine back using three different skin marker sets for Inverse Kinematics";
  6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010), Singapore; 01.08.2010 - 10.08.2010; in: "6th World Congress of Biomechanics", Springer, (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-14514-8 ; S. 205 - 206.

H Tschan, R. Baron, B Wessner, T. Angeli, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla, Al Netreba, A Shpakov, E Tomilovskaya, I.B. Kozlovskaya, N Bachl:
"Resistance Exercise Training to Counteract Muscle Atrophy and Strength Loss in Long Term Spaceflight";
in: "7th International Conference on Strength Training - Book of Abstracts", D Hamar (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Dusan Hamar; 7th International Conference on Strength Training - Book of Abstracts, Bratislava, 2010, S. 48 - 50.

M. Grösel, M. Gföhler, C. Peham:
"Alternative solution of virtual biomodeling based on CT-scans.";
Journal of Biomechanics, 42 (2009), S. 2006 - 2009

G. Ducher, B.L. Hill, T. Angeli, S.L. Bass, P. Eser:
"Comparison of pQCT parameters between ulna and radius in retired elite gymnasts: the skeletal benefits associated with long-term gymnastics are bone- and site-specific";
Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 9 (2009), 4; S. 247 - 255.

H Tschan, R. Baron, I.B. Kozlovskaya, T. Angeli, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla, N Bachl:
"Muscle strength in microgravity - implications for exercise countermeasures in space and their earth benefits";
in: "Sports Medcon 2009 New Delhi", Sports Medcon, New Delhi, 2009, S. 49.

N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla, I.B. Kozlovskaya, H Tschan, N Bachl, T. Angeli:
"Eccentric Resistance Training As Countermeasure In Microgravity.";
  ELGRA Symposium: "In the Footsteps of Columbus", Bonn; 01.09.2009 - 04.09.2009; in: "ELGRA Biennial Symposium and General Assembly "In the Footsteps of Columbus"", (2009), S. 128.

R Talla, G. Adamcik, N. Barta, I.B. Kozlovskaya, A Grigoriev, H Tschan, N Bachl, T. Angeli:
"Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space. Training and Diagnostic in Microgravity.";
  17th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, 17th IAA Humans in Space Symposium; 07.06.2009 - 11.06.2009; in: "17th IAA Humans in Space Symposium", (2009), ISBN: 978-5-902119-09-8 ; S. 131.

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, J. Hufgard, K. Gstaltner, M. Gföhler:
"Quantification of spasticity in incomplete SCI subjects during a pedaling movement and influence of training with FES";
  ISCOS 2009, 48th Annual Scientific Meeting, Florence; 21.10.2009 - 24.10.2009; in: "ISCOS 2009", International Spinal Cord Soci (Hrg.); (2009), S. 154 - 155.

Z. Karim, R. Hainisch, C Stingeder, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Lower-Limb Muscle Architecture in Children with Cerebral Palsy";
  EWOMS 2009, Lisboa; 04.06.2009 - 06.06.2009; in: "EWOMS 2009", D. Araújo, J. Cabri, J. Barreiros (Hrg.); (2009), ISBN: 9789727351640 ; 70 S.

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, J. Wiedner, J. Hufgard, K. Gstaltner, S. Mina, S. Hanke, M. Gföhler:
"Influence of FES cycling on spasticity in subjects with incomplete spastic paraplegia";
in: "" Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise & Sports"", Assistive Technology Research Series, Vol.26, IOS Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-60750-080-3 , S. 317 - 319.

Ch. Makovec, W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, M. Gföhler:
"Wheelchair Exercise Device";
  TAR 2009, Berlin (eingeladen); 18.03.2009 - 19.03.2009; in: "Proc. 2 nd European Conference for Technically Assisted Rehabilitation", (2009), ISSN: 1862-4871; 4 S.

R Talla, T. Angeli, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, H Tschan, N Bachl:
"Training in Space for Life on Earth";
  10th ESA Life Sciences Symposium, Anger; 22.06.2008 - 27.06.2008; in: "Life in Space for Life on Earth", (2008).

T. Angeli, N. Barta, G. Adamcik, R Talla:
"Prototyp eines multifunktionellen Dynamometers für die Anwendung in der Schwerelosigkeit";
  5. Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage 2008, Geinberg (eingeladen); 28.05.2008 - 29.05.2008; in: "Zukunft Leichtmetalle, von der Forschung in die Anwendung", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-902092-05-2 ; S. 149 - 157.

G. Adamcik, N. Barta, R Talla, I.B. Kozlovskaya, A Grigoriev, H Tschan, N Bachl, T. Angeli:
"Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space";
   10th ESA Life Sciences Symposium, Anger; 22.06.2008 - 27.06.2008; in: "Life In Space For Life On Earth", (2008).

W. Reichenfelser, H. Hackl, S. Mina, S. Hanke, P. Lugner, M. Gföhler:
"Trainings- and Measurement- System for FES-Cycling";
   13th Annual Conf. of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Freiburg, Germany; 21.09.2008 - 25.09.2008; in: "IFESS 2008- from movement to mind", Biomedizinische Technik, Vol. 53 Suppl.1, Berlin, New York (2008), ISSN: 0939-4990; S. 265 - 267.

Z. Karim, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Biomechanics of a crouched gait caused by spastic cerebral palsy in children";
  5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Venice, Italy (eingeladen); 30.06.2008 - 04.07.2008; in: "Wccm8 Eccomas 2008", B. Schrefler, U. Perego (Hrg.); CIMNE, (2008), Paper-Nr. a2603, 2 S.

Z. Karim, R. Hainisch, A. Kranzl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Comparing the biomechanics of crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy to that of age-matched controls and young healthy adults";
  4th european congress for medical and biomedical engineering 2008, antwerp, belgium; 23.11.2008 - 27.11.2008; in: "IFMBE Proceedings Vol 22", Vander Sloten, Verdonck, Nyssen, Haueisen (Hrg.); Springer Verlag, 22 (2008), ISSN: 1680-0737; Paper-Nr. 1332, 4 S.

Ch. Redl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
Human Movement Science, 26 (2007), 2; S. 306 - 319.

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, T. Angeli:
"Design of a test and training tricycle fpr subjects with paraplegia";
Technology and Disability, 17 (2005), 2; S. 93 - 101.

AJK van Soest, M. Gföhler, R Casius:
"Consequences of ankle joint fixation on FES cycling power output; a simulation study.";
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 01/2005 (2005), S. 797 - 806.

T. Angeli:
"Simulation and measurement results of knee extension activated physiologically and by means of functional electrical stimulation";
in: "Computer Methods in Biomechanics und Biomedical Engineering - 4", Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2003.

T. Angeli, M. Gföhler, A. Karg:
"Radfahren mit Paraplegikern";
Haupt  13. Internationales Symposiums für "Adapted Physical Activity" 2001, Wien; 2003; in: "Kongressbericht des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für "Adapted Physical Activity" 2001", (2003), S. 457 - 461.

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, S. Mina, S. Hanke, H. Hackl, T. Kakebeeke, P. Lugner, A. Hochgatterer:
"FES-Fahrradtrainingssystem für Paraplegiker";
  20. Jahrestagung der DMGP, Wien; 09.05.2007 - 12.05.2007; in: "20. Jahrestagung der DMGP - der thorakolumbale Übergang", (2007).

N Bojanic, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy, M. Grafinger, C. Kronnerwetter:
"MR-based Lower-limb Musculoskeletal Model of a Child";
  7th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE2006, Antibes, France (eingeladen); 22.03.2006 - 25.03.2006; in: "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering", J. Middleton, N.G. Shrive (Hrg.); First Numerics Ltd., (2006), ISBN: 0-9549670-2-x ; Paper-Nr. 240 MAS, 6 S.

M. Kuchler, M. Gföhler:
"Development of an FES rowing machine - numerical simulation and design";
  Fifth World Congress of Biomechanics, München; 29.07.2006 - 04.08.2006; in: "Journal of Biomechanics, Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics", Elsevier, 39/1 (2006), ISSN: 0021-9290; S. 183 - 184.

Ch. Redl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Sensitivity of muscle force estimates in human gait to variations in muscle-tendon properties";
  Fifth World Congress of Biomechanics, München; 29.07.2006 - 04.08.2006; in: "Journal of Biomechanics, Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics", Elsevier, 39/1 (2006), ISSN: 0021-9290; S. 51.

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, T. Kakebeeke, P. Lugner, G. Feik:
"Determination of efficient stimulation patterns for FES - cycling";
  EMBEC`05, Prague; 20.11.2005 - 25.11.2005; in: "IFMBE Proc.", (2005).

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, T. Kakebeeke, P. Lugner, G. Feik:
"Optimierung der Stimulationsbereiche für das FES- Radfahren";
  ÖGBMT Jahrestagung, Hall; 10.11.2005 - 12.11.2005; in: "Proc. CD", (2005).

Ch. Redl, M. Gföhler, MG Pandy:
"Sensitivity of Muscle Force Estimates to Changes in Muscle Properties";
  Proc. European Workshop On Movement Science 2005, Wien; 02.06.2005 - 04.06.2005; in: "Proc. European Workshop on Movement Science", (2005), S. 54 - 55.

A. Frotzler, Y. Zehnder, P. Eser, T. Angeli, H. Knecht:
"Veränderung der Knochenparameter bei langjährig querschnittgelähmten Patienten mittels pQCT";
 Osteologie 2005, Basel; 2005; in: "Osteologie 2005", (2005), S. ##.

P. Eser, T. Angeli, A. Frotzler, H. Schiessl:
"Changes in bone proportionality and muscle-bone relationship of the paralysed extremities after spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional study employing peripheral quantitative computed tomography. International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions";
  International Society for Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, Bad Liebenzell, Deutschland; 05.05.2005 - 08.05.2005; in: "2. Black Forest Forum for Musculoskeletal Interactions", (2005).

H. Zehetgruber, C. Bürger, T. Angeli:
"Intraoperative Measurement of Retropatellar Contact - Ressure During Total Knee Arthroplasty";
   2005 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Washington, DC; 23.02.2005 - 27.02.2005; in: "American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons", (2005), 1 S.

M. Kuchler, M. Gföhler:
"Mechanical modeling and simulation of the human movement on a rowing ergometer.";
Simulation News Europe, 40 (2004), ISSN 0929-2268; S. 10 - 19.

J Rasmussen, ST Christensen, M. Gföhler, M Damsgaard, T. Angeli:
"Design optimization of a pedaling mechanism for paraplegics.";
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 26 (2004), S. 132 - 138.

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli, P. Lugner:
"Modeling of Artificially Activated Muscle and Application to FES Cycling";
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 4 (2004), S. 1 - 16.

M. Gföhler, P. Lugner:
"Dynamic simulation of FES-cycling: influence of individual parameters.";
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering TNSRE, 12 (2004), S. 398 - 405.

H. Zehetgruber, C. Bürger, T. Angeli:
"Intraoperative Measurement of Retropatellar Contact - Ressure During Total Knee Arthroplasty";
  3rd annual international conference, Havanna, Cuba; 2004; in: "3rd annual international conference", (2004), S. 346.

T. Angeli:
"Benefits der funktionellen Elektrostimulation für Rollstuhlfahrer";
  Deutschsprachige Medizinische Gesellschaft für Paraplegie, Zürich, Schweiz; 29.09.2004 - 02.10.2004; in: "Evidence-Based Medicine bei Querschnittlähmung", (2004), 1 S.

M. Gföhler, AJK van Soest, R Casius:
"Influence of muscle strength and pedal position on the performance of paraplegic cycling with released ankle joint";
  Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering, Madrid; 25.02.2004 - 28.02.2004; in: "Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering - 5", J. Middleton, N.G. Shrive, M.L. Jones (Hrg.); FIRST Numerics Ltd, (2004), 6 S.

G Pandy, M. Gföhler, R Baker:
"Contribution of Gait Determinants to the Pathway of the Center of Mass in Normal Walking";
  Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering, Madrid; 25.02.2004 - 28.02.2004; in: "Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering - 5", J. Middleton, N.G. Shrive, M.L. Jones (Hrg.); FIRST Numerics Ltd, (2004), 6 S.

AJK van Soest, M. Gföhler, R Casius:
"Can releasing the ankle joint improve power output of paraplegic FES cycling? A simulation study.";
  14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Den Bosch (eingeladen); 2004; in: "Proc. 14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics", (2004).

T. Angeli, C. Bürger, H. Zehetgruber, A. Giurea:
"Intraoperative, retropatellare Druckmessungen vor, während und nach der Implantation einer Knietotalendoprothese";
Brüggemann & Morey-Klapsing, DVS Band 135 (2003), S. 67 - 73.

T. Angeli, S. Salzgeber:
"Therapeutisches Wintersportgerät für Cerebrag-Paretiker";
Brüggemann & Morey-Klapsing, DVS Band 135 (2003), S. 24 - 29.

T. Angeli:
"Entwicklung eines trainings-therapeutischen Ruderergometers für Paraplegiker zum Zwecke des Muskel- und Knochenaufbaus";
Brüggemann & Morey-Klapsing, DVS Band 135 (2003), S. 30 - 35.

J Rasmussen, ST Christensen, M. Gföhler, M Damsgaard, T. Angeli:
"AnyBody - Development of assistive devices by means of computer simulation";
  Nordic Assistive Technology Conference - Assistive Technology and Equal Opportunities, Copenhagen (eingeladen); 2003 - 2003; in: "Nordic Assistive Technology Conference - Assistive Technology and Equal Opportunities", (2003).

M. Gföhler, AJK van Soest, R Casius:
"Effects of releasing the ankle joint on FES cycling.";
  3rd International Congress on Restoration of (wheeled) Mobility in SCI Rehabilitation: State of the Art III, Amsterdam; 19.04.2004 - 21.04.2004; in: "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development", Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development JRRD, 41 (2004), ISSN: 0748-7711; S. 31.

W. Reichenfelser, M. Gföhler, T. Angeli:
"Design of a test- and trainings- tricycle for paraplegics.";
  3rd International Congress on Restoration of (wheeled) Mobility in SCI Rehabilitation: State of the Art III, Amsterdam; 19.04.2004 - 21.04.2004; in: "Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development", Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development JRRD, 41 (2004), S. 28 - 29.

M. Kuchler, M. Gföhler:
"Development of a biomechanical model of the human body including the upper and the lower extremities used to simulate the motion on a rowing ergometer - The inverse dynamic problem";
   International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress, Dunedin, New Zealand; 06.07.2003 - 11.07.2003; in: "Congress Handbook and Book of Abstracts of the International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress - The Human Body in Motion, including long abstract on CD-ROM - Abstracts and Proceedings, 4 pages", (2003), S. 122.

M. Gföhler, A. van Soest AJK, L. Casius:
"Can FES cycling be improved by releasing the ankle joint?";
  IX Internatinal Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, Sydney, Australia; 01.07.2003 - 04.07.2003; in: "Computer Simulation in Biomechanics", (2003).

T. Angeli, M. Gföhler, P. Lugner, L. Rinder:
""Radfahren mit Paraplegikern"";
  Adapted Physical Activity, Wien; 2003; in: "Kongressbericht des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für "Adapted Physical Activity" 2001", (2003), S. 457 - 461.

T. Angeli, M. Gföhler, A. Karg:
"Force-Length-Relationship for electrical stimulated Muscles";
   International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress, Dunedin, New Zealand; 06.07.2003 - 11.07.2003; in: "Proceedings", (2003), 1 S.

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli, J. Weiss:
"Measurements on the Effect of Taiji Training on Muscle Coordination für Maintaining Balance";
   7. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Biomechanik, Köln; 13.03.2003 - 15.03.2003; in: "Biologische Systeme", Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, DVS Band 135 (2003), ISSN: 1430-2225; S. 12 - 17.

M. Gföhler, J. Wassermann, T. Kakebeeke, H. Lechner, W. Reichenfelser, T. Angeli:
"Muscle behavior in artificially activated muscle - Measurements on neurologically intact and paraplegic subjects";
  International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress, Dunedin, NZ; 06.07.2003 - 11.07.2003; in: "Proceedings", P. Milburn, B. Wilson, T. Yanai (Hrg.); (2003), 5 S.

T. Angeli:
"Simulation of Functional Electrical Stimulated Rowing";
  Proceedings of the 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Vienna 4.-8, Dezember, Wien; 19.09.2002 - 20.09.2002; in: "IFMBE Proceedings 2002", (2002), S. 1234 - 1235.

M. Kuchler, M. Gföhler:
"A biomechanical model to simulate the human movement on a rowing ergometer - The inverse dynamic problem for the lower extremity";
   2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC, Vienna, Austria; 04.12.2002 - 08.12.2002; in: "IFMBE Proceedings of the 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference", (2002), S. 276 - 277.

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli, P. Lugner:
"Adjustment of Individual Stimulation Parameters for FES Cycling.";
   4th World Congress on Biomechanics, Calgary; 03.08.2002 - 08.08.2002; in: "Proc. 4th World Congress on Biomechanics", (2002), S. 1 - 2.

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli, P. Lugner:
"Cycling by Means of FES - Simulation and Practical Application. ";
  4th World Congress on Biomechanics, Calgary (eingeladen); 03.08.2002 - 08.08.2002; in: "Proc. 4th World Congress on Biomechanics, ", (2002), S. 1 - 2.

M. Gföhler, T. Angeli, P. Lugner:
"Modeling of Artificially Activated Muscle and Application to FES Cycling";
  12th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Greece; 09.09.2002 - 13.09.2002; in: "International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology", Greece (2002), S. 93 - 99.

T. Angeli, M. Gföhler, T. Eberharter, P. Lugner, L. Rinder:
"Optimization of the pedal path for cycling powered by lower extremity muscles activated by Functional Electrical Stimulation.";
in: "Computer Methods in Biomechanics und Biomedical Engineering - 3", Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2001, ISBN: 90-5699-321-6 , S. 263 - 268.

T. Angeli, M. Gföhler, T. Eberharter, L. Rinder:
"Tricycle for paraplegics using Functional Electrostimulation.";
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 37 (1999), S. 326 - 327.

T. Angeli, T. Bochdansky:
"Der Einfluss der Antagonisten auf die Bewegungsoptimierung am Beispiel des Radsprints.";
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, 7 (1997), S. 42 - 45.

T. Angeli, R. Pawlik:
"Der Einfluss der Sprunggelenksbewegung des Radrennfahrers auf sein Leistungsvermögen. Simulations- und Messergebnisse.";
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, 7 (1997), S. 131 - 134.

M. Apolin, T. Angeli:
"Phänomene konzentrischer und exzentrischer Muskelarbeit physikalisch erklärt";
Biomedical Engineering, 41 (1996), S. 94 - 95.

T. Angeli:
"Leistungssteigerung bei Fahrradantrieben";
Biomedical Engineering, 41 (1996), S. 92 - 93.

T. Angeli:
"Ein besserer Fahrradantrieb";
in: "Aspekte der Sportwissenschaft", Österreichische Sportwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Salzburg, 1996, S. 223 - 232.