Die TU Wien ist im COMET-Programm der FFG äußerst erfolgreich in folgenden Zentren vertreten:


  • ACIB - Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology
  • K2 Digital Mobility - K2 Digital Mobility Context-Embedded Vehicle Technologies
  • IC-MPPE - Integrated Computational Materials, Process and Product Engineering
  • XTribology - Excellence Center of Tribology
  • InTribology1 - Tribology Intelligence - Customized Tribology for Industrial Innovation


  • ABC  Austrian Blockchain Center, Link
  • CHASE Chemical Systems Engineering
  • ACMIT Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology, Link
  • Bioenergy 2020+, Link 
  • CEST Kompetenzzentrum für elektrochemische Oberflächentechnologie GmbH, Link
  • ASSIC/CTR Carinthian Tech Research - Competence Center for Advanced Sensor Technologies, Link
  • K1-MET Competence Center for Excellent Technologies in Advanced Metallurgical and Environmental Process Development, Link
  • PCCL-K1 Competence Center in Polymer Engineering and Science, Link
  • SCCH Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Link
  • SBA 2 Secure Business Austria 2, Link
  • VRVis Visualization, Rendering and Visual Analysis Research Center, Link
  • Wood COMET Kompetenzzentrum für Holzverbundwerkstoffe und Holzchemie, Link
  • CDP Austrian Center for Digital Production Link


  • Rail4Future - Railways for Future: Resilient Digital Railway Systems to enhance performance
  • AAHM R2P Alpine Airborne Hydromapping, Link
  • Amoree Aluminium and magnesium processing optimization with special respect to resource and energy efficiency
  • AEDA Advanced Engineering Design Automation, Link
  • DEXHELPP Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning: Methods, Models and Technologies based on existing health care data, Link
  • GSG Green Storage Grid
  • JOIN4+ Network of Excellence for Joining Technologies („Fügetechnologien“), Link
  • imPACts Industrial Methods for Process Analytical Chemistry – From Measurement Technologies to Information Systems, Link
  • PolyComp Functional Polymer Composites, Link
  • ZPT+ zerstörungsfreie Prüfung und Tomografie Plus
  • We3D - Wire-based additive manufacturing – materials and technologies – for 3D metal structures of the future