
since 1997: Associate professor (Universitätsdozent, Außerordentlicher Professor) at Institut für Festkörperelektronik, University of Technology Vienna
1996-1998: Research visitor at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA
1995-1996: Lecturer of "Electron Devices" at Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
1988-1997: Assistant professor (Universitätsassistent) at Institut für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, University of Technology Vienna
1988: 2-months summer position at Digital Equipment Corporation, Hudson, Massachusetts, USA

Ausbildung und Errungenschaften

Ausbildung und Errungenschaften
  Reviewer for 31 journals
  ~160 publications in journals and conference proceedings
2020-2024 Work group leader of WG2 (Ion-Solid Interactions) of the COST Action FIT4NANO
2003/04: Member of IEDM Program Committee (International Electron Devices Meeting), Modeling and Simulation Sub-Committee
2001: Senior Member IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
1997: Habilitation for "Semiconductor Electronics" (Halbleiterelektronik) at University of Technology Vienna
1988: Ph.D. degree (Doktorat der technischen Wissenschaften) with distinction at University of Technology Vienna
1985: M.S. degree (2. Diplomprüfung) in electrical/communications engineering with distinction at University of Technology Vienna
1984: B.S. degree (1. Diplomprüfung) in physics with distinction at University Vienna
1982: B.S. degree (1. Diplomprüfung) in electrical engineering with distinction at University of Technology Vienna