Gender equality and gender equity are structurally anchored at TU Wien through the department provided for by the UG 2002, implemented at TUW by the Office for Gender Competence, which was founded in 2005, as well as the Career Advancement Plan for Women and the Equality Opportunities Plan. The aim of creating a gender-equitable and non-discriminatory study and work environment is seen as the responsibility of all TU members.

The fields of activity of the Office for Gender Competence include the promotion of gender and diversity competence as well as protection against discrimination and sexual harassment. In addition to various awareness-raising formats, the Office for Gender Competence advises and supports the rectorate, faculties, staff, academics, teaching staff and students in matters and measures relating to this topic area. The Office Gender Competence also provides a wide range of courses on gender and diversity

The strategy of the Office for Gender Competence is based on 3 pillars which are interconnected:

  1.  "Fix the Numbers": strategies and measures that focus on increasing the proportion of women and other underrepresented groups
  2. "Fix the Institutions": strategies and measures aimed at structural, organizational cultural change and transparency in organizations, leading to greater gender equality and protection against discrimination
  3. "Fix the Knowledge": Strategies and measures that lead to an increase in gender and diversity competence in the areas of teaching and research, establishing sex, gender and intersectional perspectives as an integral part of science, research and technology.