
large metal construction in a concrete wall
© Matthias Heisler

One of the world’s most powerful cable testing facilities has now been put into operation at TU Wien (Vienna). Using a completely new technique, it…

computer generated picture of the surface

At TU Wien (Vienna), it was now possible to explain how a chemical reaction takes place that, at first glance, should not be possible at the…

Robot dog Spot stands on all fours and looks into the camera.
© Theresa Aichinger-Fankhauser

Boston Dynamics Spot® is the newest member of staff at TU Wien Informatics. The agile robot will assist in various research collaborations.

An ultra short laser pulse (blue) creates free charge carriers, another pulse (red) accelerates them in opposite directions.

Halbleiterelektronik wird immer schneller – aber irgendwann erlaubt die Physik keine Steigerung mehr. Die kürzest mögliche Zeitskala…