Functional Materials

Color logo of the Functional Materials working group


The working group "Functional Materials" of the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Wien deals with the fundamentals of film deposition from the vapor phase and with the transfer of experimental and theoretical results into application.

The applications of thin film technology range from microelectronics to surface modification and the development of new materials. Surface modification and film deposition processes are increasingly being integrated into industrial production processes. The following topics are in focus:

Growth of polycrystalline films - Condensation and wetting - Heterogeneous films - Plasma-treatment of surfaces and adhesion - Temperature treatment and de-wetting

All research results are developed in close collaboration of permanently permanent staff, PhD students, master students and other temporary members of the group.

The presentation of results at international meetings and the publication in refereed journals is a central point for both, permanent and temporary members of the Functional Materials Group.



  • 1971 – 1983: Absolvation of ground- and higher school 
  • 1984 - 1990: Studies of technical physics at the TU Wien
  • Dec. 1994: Promotion to "Doctor of technical sciences" Title of the thesis: "Roughness Induced Phase Separation at Immiscible Metal/Metal-Systems"
  • Oct. 2001: Habilitation and achievement of the permission to teach "Applied Physics"


  • 1991 - 1995: Assistant at the Institute of Applied and Technical Physics at TU Wien
  • 1993 - 1995: Co-Worker in the research project "Condensation Kinetics and Structural Evolution of Films of Two Immiscible Metallic Partners"
  • since Dec. 1995: Assistant at the Institute of Applied and Technical Physics at TU Wien
  • 1997 - 2000: Co-Worker in the FWF-Project P-122 81-PHY "Mesoscale Thin Film Systems". The project involves theory and application of Scanning Probe techniques.
  • since Oct. 2000: University assistant at TU Wien
  • 2000 - 2003: Project leader FWF-Project 14534-PHY "The physico-chemical interaction between Copper coatings and modified Carbon Surfaces"
  • since 2002: Permanent position as Assistant Professor at TU Wien
  • since 2002: Lecturer for "Physics and technology of thin films"
  • since 2003: Secretary General of the "Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vakuumtechnik" (Austrian Vacuum Society)
  • since 2004: Austrian representative at IUVSTA
  • since 2005: Appointment to coordinator of "IUVSTA Technical Training Courses" (ITTC)
  • Sept. 2005: Co-Organisation ECASIA 05 Vienna
  • since March 2007: Project leader FWF-Project P-19379-N16 "The influence of the interface in the copper-diamond system"
  • June 2007: Co-Organisation Symposium Q "Protective Coatings and Thin Films" E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strassburg
  • July 2007: Appointment to Scientific Secretary of IUVSTA
  • 2007 - 2010: Project leader of the Austrian part of the bilateral Flemish/Austrian project IWT-SBO-Project Nr.: 060030 "Growth of Complex Oxides"
  • 2008: Membership Programme Committee JVC 12
  • since 2009: Project partner in the European Union FP 7 Project FP7-NMP-2007-SMALL-1, Grant CP-FP 214407-2 "Development of Wear Resistant Coatings Based on Complex Metallic Alloys for Functional Applications", "appliCMA"
  • since 2010: Project leader in the TRANSLATIONAL Project TRP-6 "Optical Thickness Determination on Transparent ranulates", "T-scan"
  • 2010: Membership Programme Committee IVC 18
  • since 2011: Project leader in the FWF-Project Nr.: P-22718-N20 "Thin films on hollow micro glass spheres", "CatSphere"