Quantum Metrology

Atomic clocks go nuclear

The quantum metrology research group is working towards a new type of atomic clock, that uses the atomic nucleus of Thorium-229 to realize the „ticking“. Going from electronic shell to nuclear transitions promises an increase in precision together with a more robust and compact implementation. More information can be found under https://www.nuclock.eu/, opens an external URL in a new window



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Happy Holidays from team Caesium!
© Atominstitut

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Thorsten Schumm (mit Uhr) und Bernd Logar (mit Glasfaserkabel)
© Atominstitut

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© Atominstitut

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 Thorium can be used to create a new kind of ultra-precise clock.
© Atominstitut

Two research teams have succeeded simultaneously in measuring the long-sought Thorium nuclear transition, which enables extremely precise nuclear…