As an application-oriented research area, we strive to provide organizations and their leaders with scientific expertise and practical experience in shaping change processes. To this end, we have developed the approaches of Scientific Consulting and Scientific Investigation to support organizations in strategic change processes in a methodical and evidence-based manner. Our Scientific Leadership Development approach supports executives in refining their leadership skills through specially designed learning and development processes. In applied research projects, consulting projects, team development, leadership training, MBA programs and coaching, as well as through our practice-oriented publications and exchange forums, we support executives in the further development of their areas of responsibility:

  • At the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, we offer numerous programs in which we train managers and high potentials for leadership and change processes. Our research group supervises several Management & Leadership MBAs and high-impact certificate courses.
  • In the teaching program at the Vienna University of Technology, we engage our students in analyzing and developing solutions to current leadership, management, and change issues.
  • In our projects, we examine selected business areas and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. We cooperate with Rosenbauer, KTM, Boehringer Ingelheim, Palfinger, Hofer, FACC, Silhouette, Würth and various hospitals. In training, team development or consulting projects we also work on clearly defined problem areas (e.g. OMV, Oberbank, Austrian National Library, Lenzing, Kraftwerk).