Customized photonics devices for defectless laser-based manufacturing

The CUSTODIAN project aims to develop a new methodology of application-driven laser beam tailoring to solve hot cracking problems in laser-based powder bed fusion and to reach quality requirements in laser beam welding of two stainless steel sheets with a variable gap.

Logo mit Aufschrift: obere Bildhälfte: shape your laser; untere Bildhälfte: custodian

© Custodian

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CFD simulation vs. experiment of LBW

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Simulation of multi-track laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M)

The role of the Research Unit of Photonic Technologies is to analyse the processes through simulation and to provide optimized beam shapes towards the goal of solving aforementioned problems. This results in a reduction of iterations in building and testing prototype equipment and thus reduces time and costs in the development phase.

Further details can be found on the homepage, opens an external URL in a new window of the project.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 825103. CUSTODIAN project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership.

The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author's view and the European Commision is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. COPYRIGHT 2019 The CUSTODIAN Consortium. All rights reserved.