Here you will find information that may be useful and helpful for your studies and afterwards.
Some events relate to female students.
If you have any questions about the topics addressed, please contact Alexandra von Beringe, opens an external URL in a new window or Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger, opens an external URL in a new window, who, as representatives on equal treatment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation, are responsible for the contents of this page and act as coordinators.
In addition, we would like to refer to the websites of some institutions that provide information and offers on the following topics:

  • The Student Representation at TU Wien (HTU) is the legal representation of interests of the students of TU Wien. It runs departments on various topics where students can get information and help and sends representatives to the faculty and university councils.However, the first point of contact for  students is usually the student representatives or the student councils, which also represent the students in the study commissions, which are responsible for the curricula. More information can be found on the website of the Student Association Technical Mathematics and the Student Association Geodesy and Geoinformation.
  • Coaching for employees
  • Mentoring for students at the start of their studies
  • Committee on Equal Treatment at TU Wien (AKG) deals with the advancement of women and offers support in matters of gender equality, as well as equal treatment without distinction of gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation. It is involved in every personnel procedure (e.g. occupation or extension of university positions).
  • TU Barrierefrei is a service office for students with disabilities that sets activities for equal access to studies.