3rd International Workshop

8-11 July 2025, TU Wien

On behalf of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, opens an external URL in a new window (ISPRS, WG II/7, opens an external URL in a new window) 7), CIPA Heritage Documentation, opens an external URL in a new window, and the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation, opens an external URL in a new window (DGPF), the 3rd underwater workshop edition is held at the TU Wien. After Piano di Sorrento, Italy (2015) and Limassol, Cyprus (2019), we are happy to welcome you in Vienna, Austria, in July 2025. Vienna, the most livable city in the world, offers outstanding culture, environment and infrastructure. Its technical university (TU Wien) is the home of leading research in both Geodesy and Geoinformation as well as Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering.

We are looking forward to welcome researchers, practitioners and companies in the field of laser bathymetry, multimedia photogrammetry, spectrally derived bathymetry, computer vision, image processing, VR and AR as well as archaeologists, hydrogeologists, hydrobiologists and ecologists, and hydropower scientists and engineers to present and discuss their results and activities.

The event is aiming to bring together researchers, users and interested persons in the field of underwater 3D imaging with (photogrammetry, bathymetry, etc.) regardless if the sensors are above or below the water surface. The event will feature half-day tutorials, 2 days of single-track technical sessions, invited talks, oral presentations, posters and demos at the water lab facility of TU Wien, and a post-event excursion to the pre-Alpine Pielach river.

Topics include:

  • Inland and Coastal Water Mapping
  • Airborne and UAV-borne Laser Bathymetry
  • Underwater and Through-water Photogrammetry
  • Strict multimedia geometry and underwater 3D object modelling
  • Land-water Interface 3D modelling
  • Underwater Laser Scanning
  • Water Surface Dynamics
  • 3D Reconstruction for VR and AR Applications
  • Underwater Infrastructure Mapping and Monitoring
  • Subsea Inspection and Metrology
  • Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
  • Hydrobiology and Ecohydraulics
  • Underwater Habitat Mapping and Monitoring
  • Unmanned Surface Vehicles (SUV)
  • Robotly Operated and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (ROV, AUV, robots, etc.)
  • Underwater Navigation
  • Active/passive Sensor Integration and Fusion
  • Data processing and 3D modelling
  • Low-cost Sensor Approaches
  • Ground truth Data Acquisition and Accuracy Assessment
  • Digital Underwater Twin
  • Underwater Simulators

The workshop offers an opportunity to connect with your peers, to meet manufacturers, to get in touch with service providers and to discuss with colleagues from industry. Next to the tutorials, demos and talks, there will be enough room for socializing during coffee and lunch break, as well as at the icebreaker event and the conference dinner.

Important dates:

  • 10 Dec, 2024: 1st announcement and call for papers:
  • 15 Jan, 2025: Begin submission period (abstracts)
  • 06 Apr, 2025: Deadline for submissions
  • 05 May, 2025: Notification of authors
  • 26 May, 2025: Final papers submitted

Let's come together to share research, exchange experiences, and pave the way for a future empowered by spatial information.

Contact: 3d-underwater@geo.tuwien.ac.at

Download this first announcement and call for papers as a PDF., opens a file in a new window