fem*MA is hosting the fifth “Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics” on 28 February 2025, organized by the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics, opens an external URL in a new window.

The conference will take place in the TU the Sky, opens an external URL in a new window room at Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna.

The aim of this event is to bring mathematicians together to:

  • highlight achievements of women and non-binary mathematicians

  • develop a network which fosters interdisciplinary collaborations

  • promote mutual support, such as career advice and mentoring

  • give young women and non-binary researchers the opportunity to present their work

  • discuss hot topics

Presenters: women and non-binary speakers

Participants: all genders - come and support your peers and listen to their exciting research!

Registration and Submission of Abstracts are open!

The registration for the event is open until February 14, 2025! Moreover, women and non-binary Mathematicians are invited to apply for a short contributed talk or a poster presentation by filling out this form by January 19, 2025.

Social Dinner

On February 27, 2025, there will be a networking dinner at Heuriger 10er Marie. The dinner is sponsored by the City of Vienna, fem*MA at TU Wien, and the Department of Mathematics at Uni Wien.


Alberta Bonanni (vice rector of JKU Linz)

Alberta Bonanni

© Robert Maybach

Christof Gattringer (president of the FWF)

[Translate to English:] Christof Gattringer

Erika Hausenblas (member of the FWF Kuratorium)

[Translate to English:] Erika Hausenblas

Sara Merino-Aceituno (Assoc.-Prof. at the University of Vienna)

[Translate to English:] Sara Merino-Aceituno

Scientific Committees

  • Verena Bögelein (Paris London Universität Salzburg, A2WiM)

  • Eranda Dragoti-Cela (TU Graz, A2WiM)

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Wien, A2WiM)

  • Sandra Müller (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA)

  • Elena Resmerita (Universität Klagenfurt, A2WiM)

  • Susanne Saminger-Platz (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Mechthild Thalhammer (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, A2WiM)


  • Eranda Dragoti-Cela (TU Graz, A2WiM)

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Wien, A2WiM)

  • Liling Ko (TU Wien, fem*MA)

  • Hannah Kuhn (TU Wien, fem*MA)

  • Sandra Müller (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA, co-chair)

  • Beata Ondrusova (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Leila Taghizadeh (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA, co-chair)

  • Mechthild Thalhammer (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, A2WiM)

  • Jana Vrablikova (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Lena Wallner (TU Wien, fem*MA)

Austrian Association of Women in Mathematic
fem*MA Logo
TU Wien Logo
[Translate to English:] Stadt Wien Logo
[Translate to English:] Logo Uni Wien
[Translate to English:] Logo DEI Mathematik Uni Wien

This website is managed by Hannah Kuhn (hannah.kuhn@tuwien.ac.at) and Lena Wallner (lena.wallner@tuwien.ac.at).