The main USP of the pro­ject lies in the de­vel­op­ment of a fu­ture-ori­ented ven­ti­lated wooden façade that coun­ter­acts and at least par­tially com­pen­sates for in­creased room tem­per­a­tures due to cli­mate change. In ad­di­tion, all con­struc­tion vari­ants are also op­ti­mized re­gard­ing the sound in­su­la­tion and mois­ture re­sis­tance of the wooden fa­cades. Ques­tions re­gard­ing leach­ing and cor­ro­sion are also dealt with and new fore­cast­ing meth­ods for hy­grother­mal and acoustic is­sues are also de­vel­oped. Fi­nally, gen­er­ally valid and spe­cific ac­tions for "Coole Hülle" will be de­vel­oped.