The Research Unit Regional Planning and Regional Development offers numerous national and international field trips that provide students with unique insights into different spatial environments and their planning logics. Experiencing and researching regions on site can be viewed as a unique 'laboratory experience'. These experiences enable aspiring planners to be able understand the complexity and diversity of spatial challenges and to develop innovative solutions.

Field Trips (national and international) since 2005

Experiencing Japan - Part 2: Discovery: Field Trip to Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Hizenhama-Shuku and Tokyo, workshop week with fellow planning students from the Shibaura Institute of Technology in Tokyo (2023S)

Development Perspectives Urban Region Brno (2023S)

Hiking perspectives: Hiking excursion in the border region between Austria and Czechia using the "Promenadology" method (2022W)

Development Perspectives Urban Region Brno (2022S)

Energy Planning and Practise: Excursion on the topic of integrated spatial and energy planning in the Vienna-Lower Austria-Burgenland metropolitan region (2022S)

Development Perspectives Urban Region Brno (2021S)

Eine Kiste voller Ideen im Kliemannsland (2019S)

Development Perspectives Urban Region Brno (2019S)

Visit and reflect on planning exhibitions and events (2019S)

Japan: Field trip to Kyōto, Saga, Nagasaki, Hizen-Hamashuku, Ishinomaki and Tokyo (2019S)

Stories from the countryside - storytelling for spatial planning: Excursion to the Lesach Valley (2018W)

Excursion "Smart Planning"?: Initiatives in the agglomeration areas of Vienna, Graz, Belgrade and Novi Sad (2018S)

Participation in real planning processes: Involvement in the spatial vision conference in Vorarlberg and in the workshops on the Upper Austrian regional development programme (2018S)

Discovering Japan: Excursion to Japan to Saga University and Shibaura Institute of Technology, in cooperation with IVS and IVV (2017S)

Energy on site: Excursion to Upper Austria, Salzburg and Carinthia as part of the doctoral programme EWARD (2014W)

Alpine Space Conference in Salzburg (2014W)

Sustainable spatial development in Jordan: field trip and workshops on site (2013W)

Alpweek Poschiavo (2012W)

along POLY5: Excursion TEN-T corridor (2012S)

Excursion to Poland (2011W)

Excursion to Brno (2011S)

Regional border crossings_Vorarlberg_Zurich (2009S)

Voyage Européenne: Institutions of the European Union in Brussels and Strasbourg (2009W)

Excursion Regional Planning: Insight into regional planning and regional development in selected countries of the European Union (2007S)

Voyage Européenne: Institutions of the European Union in Brussels (2006S)

Change and upheaval: Regional development in Upper Styria (2006W)

Regional planning in Romania (2005W)