Embedding collaborative platform for upskilling and networking toward sustainable cities

ENABLE Logo abstract art

© Kiril Gegoski, Prilep


Project description

The conditions and emergence of complex environments requires pedagogical approaches and methodologies especially those delivering international competences and creative thinking towards building learning mobility more systematically into curricula.

This #project request for a networked syllabus as an academic approach welcomes and tackles such fluctuating state of the context by engagement of high education institutions with local authorities based on a collaborative work in an international setting. Structured this way the project is likely to produce results that will be innovative for its field and for the geographical context in which the project is implemented.

The #methodology for sustainable cities is proposed using multidisciplinary approach tested in a form of a networked syllabus for the course Studio implemented on the three project partners high educational institutions in the fall semester, year 2020. This strategic approach will take in consideration the field of sustainable city planning education through the topics of urban and economic growth, social inclusiveness, history, innovation, heritage and tourism.

The #process contains two (2) years of international and interdisciplinary collaboration between entities from North Macedonia together with other EU based entities (Austria, Italy and Czech Republic) which will complete this international consortium of higher education institutions and private research institutes. Faculties at the three higher education institutions (School of Architecture and Design at UACS, Institute of Spatial Planning at TU Wien and Department of Architecture and Territory at Mediterranean University Reggio di Calabria) will engage with the syllabus in a form of a regular or a selective courses in their master programs, fall semester 2020 which will be complemented by the practical experience transmitted by two other partner institutes (IECE Skopje and Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation Brno).

The #project timeline will be structured through three (3) main activities representing the objectives of the project, developed in time frame of 24 months:

  1. Research and development of syllabus / Methodology
  2. Course studios implementation / Syllabus for course studio, fall semester 2020
  3. Synthesis of the course production / Concept for sustainable cities using multidisciplinary approach

The #target group for the ENABLE networked syllabus are master students of architecture who are interested and willing to improve their competences in the field of sustainable city planning education. Mostly of the participants will be recruited within the students of the project consortium high educational institutions with aim to increase the competences of the students within the faculties. Additionally, this networked syllabus will also be promoted outside the project consortium to attract additional participants and disseminate the ENABLE project idea to other institutions and individuals already during project lifetime. For this course the students will be ECTS accredited by their university accordingly, furthermore they will achieve a certificate for completed Erasmus plus high educational program.

Successful realization of the project activities are important for the current and future generations and will provide multidisciplinary educational approach in the field of urban planning which will impact their better performance and lead to better performance of the organisations they will work in or will establish. More awareness will be raised about the importance of the topic, as well as the need of new knowledge and skills for architects. Also, specially designed learning environment will meet the needs of the students, providing flexibility and innovative approaches of delivery of the subject.

We also believe that this #project outcome in a form of a methodological analyse and strategic concepts for sustainable cities will create a desire in new European cities representatives to test this methodology in order to generate the guidelines for their future development.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.