Lena Schartmüller

Lena Schartmüller studied spatial planning at the Vienna University of Technology. Since 2017, she has been intensively involved in the development of the public welfare-oriented platform WeLocally.at, opens an external URL in a new window (in particular room dividers and local crowdfunding; Vienna: imGrätzl.at, opens an external URL in a new window). Based on this and on her two-year project assistance in the R&D project "Mischung: Nordbahnhof", she wrote her diploma thesis in 2020 on the cooperative use of space by individual and micro-enterprises and the potential of this type of space for district and regional development. She has been teaching and researching at TUW since 2021. She led the research project "Räumliche Handlungsmöglichkeiten im Kontext Multilokalität und ländlicher Raum, opens an external URL in a new window" and is involved in the Soil Walks, opens an external URL in a new window research project. In 2023, she was awarded the AESOP Excellence ein Teaching Prize, opens an external URL in a new window for the course series "Das Einfamilienhaus" and "Das Einfamilienhaus weitergedacht", which she organized together with Barbara Steinbrunner and Isabel Stumfol. As of April 2024 she is employed as a university assistant at the Research Department for Local Planning at the Vienna University of Technology., where she works on her dissertation on cooperatively used spaces, among other things.