All news at TU Wien

Personal MBA Journeys

Join our MBA participants on their personal MBA Journey

Christoph Schwindhackl

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Christoph Schwindhackl

Statement Karla Andrea Tena Ochoa

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Karla Andrea Tena Ochoa

Eduan Howard Statement

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Eduan Howard

The personal MBA Journeys are as individual & diverse as our participants themselves. In the Personal MBA Journeys you will get an insight into the different profiles, goals and experiences of our students.

For the take-off of the MBA Journey, the participants answered questions about their expectations of the program and their goals:

  • Why did the different participants choose the MBA program?
  • What makes studying at TU Wien special?
  • What do the participants expect from the MBA program? What goals would they like to achieve?
  • What would they like to pass on to future students?
  • How do they manage the balancing act between career, further education and private life?

Read the first interviews and personal profileshere.

More insights to the personal MBA Journeys will follow soon. Don't miss the next update and stay in touch: subscribe to our newsletter our follow us on LinkedIn, opens an external URL in a new window and Facebook, opens an external URL in a new window.

Take the first steps on your own MBA Journey

  • Find the MBA program that fits your personal profile & goals.
  • Join one of our events.
  • Get in touch with our MBA Guides via