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Erasmus+ Open Science training week

In June 2022, the first of three training weeks to be held as part of the TrainRDM project took place at TU Wien. Numerous aspects of Open Science were elaborated, with the aim of passing on content and methods to students and research support staff at the partner institutions in the future.

Snapshot of workshop participants in the event location at TU Wien Bibliothek

Open Science train-the-trainer week, event location TU Wien Bibliothek | Photo: Bernd Saurugger

TrainRDM aims to strengthen Open Science through the use of innovative methods and tools, and in particular through the implementation of a pilot Open Science and research data management training programme for trainers and students.

Open Science train-the-trainer week in Vienna

The first training week was held at TU Wien from 30 May to 3 June 2022. The goal was to train trainers in different aspects of Open Science. It should also include practical exercises that can be easily reused for workshop and training activities at local institutions.

Together, the partners developed a five-day training plan. Each partner was responsible for a separate field – for both, development and lecturing: UPB for Open Science, NCI for Ethics, Data Governance and Compliance, La Sapienza for Open Innovation and TU Wien for Data Management.

The final programnme included the following Open Science topics:

  • Open Concepts and Principles, Open Access to Published Research Results
  • Open Research Data and Materials
  • Open Research Software
  • Reproducible Research and Data Analysis, Open Licensing and Files
  • Collaborative Platforms
  • Data Governance and Data Management
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Ethical Issues Pertaining to Data
  • Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency of Algorithic Systems
  • Open Innovation for HEIs
  • The exploitation of research results: from patent filing to academic entrepreneurial culture
  • Proof of Concept: an academic model of IPR Investment
  • Tools for Open Innovation - Canvas, Theory of Change, PESTmodel, crowdfunding
  • Reproducible science using Jupyter Notebooks
  • The FAIR principles
  • FAIR Data Management
  • The Role of Persistent Identifiers in the Research Context


The event was conducted in a hybrid format. 15 people from all partner institutions and two from outside the consortium participated on-site, 5 people participated online.

The second training week will be organised by project partner La Sapienza and will take place in Rome from 12th to 16th September 2022. It will be specifically targeted to early career students. The third training week will target PhD students and take place in Bucharest in spring 2023.

Materials for download

All presentations, video recordings and exercises of the Vienna training week were uploaded to an open repository with a CC-BY 4.0 license:

Further information

Related article

TrainRDM contacts at TU Wien


TrainRDM – Open Science and Research Data Management Innovative and Distributed Training Programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project ID: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080170