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Exhibition 展覧会 Mirrored Journey : Beyond the Surface

Mirrored Journey is a participatory art project initiated by visual artist Violeta Ivanova (BG/AT) and architect Kazuhiro Yajima (JP/AT) in 2021.

Ankündigungsplakat mit englischem und japanischem Text

© Austrian Cultural Forum Tokio

Mirrored Journey


Opening Reception in presence of the artists
2024.11.8 金曜日 Friday 18:00-20:30
オーストリア文化フォーラム東京 Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo
入場無料・要予約・定員制|free admission, reservation required, limited capacity
予約|Reservation:, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster 

2024.11.06 - 11.27  平日 Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00
入場無料|free admission

Mirrored Journey is a participatory art project initiated by visual artist Violeta Ivanova (BG/AT) and architect Kazuhiro Yajima (JP/AT) in 2021. A small round mirror serves as a tool for participants from all around the globe to share a glimpse from their life. Through this simple yet powerful object, the project aims to bridge geographical and cultural distances, fostering dialogue, exchange, and celebrating diversity.

To date, Mirrored Journey has gathered hundreds of contributions from more than 35 countries, each reflecting in a very different way personal stories, cultural narratives and everyday moments.

The project will be presented at the Austrian Cultural Forum (ACF) Tokyo as an installation featuring contributions from the latest edition of Mirrored Journey: Beyond the Surface, spanning Austria and Japan.


トークイベント Talk Events

2024.11.12.     18:00 - 20:00 
参加費1000 円(ワンドリンク付き)
Participation Fee 1000 yen (with one drink)
Venue: Art Center Ongoing(Kichijoji Higashicho 1-8-7, Musashino City, Tokyo)
⼩川希(Art Center Ongoing 代表)×⽮嶋⼀裕×ヴィオレッタ・イヴァノヴァ
Nozomu Ogawa(Director of Art Center Ongoing)×Violeta Ivanova×Kazuhiro Yajima

2024.11.14.    18:00 - 20:00
要事前登録 registration required 
Venue:Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo
天野太郎(オペラシティ アートギャラリー チーフ・キュレーター)×⽮嶋⼀裕×ヴィオレッタ・イヴァノヴァTaro Amano(Chief curator of Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery)×Violeta Ivanova×Kazuhiro Yajima
事前登録は前日までに, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster まで、お名前とご所属、メールアドレスをお知らせください。
For advance registration, please send name, affiliation and e-mail address to, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster until the day before.


Violeta Ivanova, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster
Violeta Ivanova is a Bulgarian visual artist based in Austria. She is internationally active also as a project manager, curator, and educator. Recently, her work focuses on public art and participatory, socially engaged strategies, exploring inclusivity, interculturality, and international exchange through various collaborative formats.

Kazuhiro Yajima, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster
Kazuhiro Yajima is a Japanese architect based in Austria. He considers space from a familiar scale, focusing on the human body. He has participated in exhibitions at the Compton Verney Art Gallery in the UK, as well as international art festivals in Latvia and Cyprus, Lithuania.