• 056.004 Research Ethics & Research Integrity (1 ECTS/blocked LVA - mandatory to DK students).
  • Understanding Academic Literature Search 6h Workshop; find & manage academic information resources at TU Wien and beyond. Finding scholarly information resources, understanding the information, utilize the existing tools (e.g. SCOPUS, Web of Science etc.) and resources for their literature.
  • Communication Skills/Make Yourself Heard; The Power of Presence in Presentations 2-Day Workshop; This workshop is designed to help academic professionals align their body language with their purpose and intentions in the present moment in order to create an effective and powerful presence.
  • Scientific Writing 2-Day Workshop; This workshop is designed to offer insight to the PhD Fellows on how to prepare, write and submit scientific papers.
  • The Power of Networking for Scientists & Engineers Full-Day Workshop; This workshop is designed to assist in identifying your personal motivation for networking, build a plan to diversify your connections and develop your own personal networking strategy. 
  • Academic Life Coaching 6h Seminar; offers support to researchers towards identifying critical techniques so as to overcome challenges and achieve their degree/research goals.
  • 040.004 Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (optional).
  • 058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management (optional).