News articles

Sentinel-1 data for the Digital Twin Hydrology

Lead article in Frontiers in Science

 Infographic: Earth and its digital twin

Earth and its digial twin

The ESA funded demonstrator project for a Digital Twin Hydrology, in which our remote sensing team has participated, was successfully completed recently. One important outcome of the project was a vision paper that was published as a lead article in Frontiers in Science this week, accompanied by several news pieces. Our contribution to the project was to derive a novel 1km soil moisture data set from Sentinel-1 SAR data for the Mediterranean region.

Lead article in Frontiers in Science
L. Brocca et al., A Digital Twin of the terresrial water cycle: a glimpse into the future through high-resolution Earth observations; Front Sci. 5. March 2024., opens an external URL in a new window

TU Wien News (in German), opens an external URL in a new window