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New Research Unit at the Institute of Spatial Planning - Welcome!

Happy New Year! From 1 January 2024, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space research unit will be part of the Institute of Spatial Planning!

Team research unit Urban Culture and Public Space

© Sabine Knierbein

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Team Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space

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© Research Unit Urban

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Internationalisation through the Research Unit Urban

© Felix Harreus

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The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space contributing to TU Wien's Internationalisation strategy: Unsettled Urban Space - Routledge - Book Launch (May 2023)

Master Thesis Writers’ Group

© Sabine Knierbein

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Master Thesis Writers’ Group, supported by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (December 2023)

New Research Unit

From the 1st January 2024 we warmly welcome the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, opens an external URL in a new window as the 9th research unit (E280-09) at the Institute of Spatial Planning. The research unit is directed by Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Sabine Knierbein, opens an external URL in a new window.

Since 2021, TU Wien’s new venia docendi in urban studies is connected to this research unit at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning. In terms of contents, the unit contributes particularly political theory and cultural studies' perspectives to explore patterns of urbanization on an international scale to the already existing bodies of social scientific knowledge at the Institute of Spatial Planning.

Projects and teaching 

Two international educational and research projects are currently organized at the centre: An EU-financed Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) Projekt called TACT-ICS as well as a research project called YOUTH which is funded by the Center for Society and Technology (CTS), alongside further project applications. In the realm of teaching, the research unit enhances the existing curriculum with further German- and English language courses at bachelor, master and doctorate levels.


Currently, the team ‚Urban Studies‘ at the Research Unit for Urban Culture and Public Space is constituted by: Sabine KnierbeinRichard Pfeifer, Magdalena Vock, Emilia Linton-Kubelka and Alvie Augustin, as well as Antonia Skenderovic and Christian Scholze while at the moment approx. 20 master and doctoral thesis projects are realized at the centre. At the Institute of Spatial Planning as well as at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, the research unit particularly contributes to the internationalization in research and teaching, as well through international publications. The centre will celebrate its 15th institutional anniversary at TU Wien on 1st March 2024. Its premises can be found in Karlsgasse 11, Rooftop Floor.

Further information on the research unit's website, opens an external URL in a new window.

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