News articles

An ultra cold Bose-Einstein condensate emits pairs of atoms in an atom-chip.

At the Vienna University of Technology, sophisticated atomchips have been used to create pairs of quantum mechanically connected atom-twins. Until now, similar experiments…

Harald Schuh

The Vening Meinesz Medal was awarded to Harald Schuh for his work in the field of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and his important contribution to space geodetic…

Waves go directly from the transmitter to the receiver - avoiding an eavesdropper.

Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) have developed a method to steer waves on precisely defined trajectories, without any loss. This way, sound waves…

The magnetic field in the thin layer rotates the light waves.

Controlling the rotation of light – this amazing feat was accomplished at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna), by means of a ultra thin semiconductor. This can be…

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alpS would like to announce the second international conference “Managing Alpine Future II” (MAF II), in Innsbruck, 21 - 23 November 2011. The deadline for the call for…