
Dr. Tamara Đorđević
Mineral transformation: from macro to nanoscale and back
Dr. Tamara Đorđević

53scientific publications


23invited talks

13funded projects as PI


1996-2001       Studies of Geology, University of Belgrade

2001                Dipl-Ing. Geol. (Mag.)

2002-2005       PhD (Mineralogy and Crystallography), University of Vienna

2005                Dr.rer.nat. (PhD)

2006                Scientific stay, University of Belgrade

2007-2016       PostDoc and Lecturer, University of Vienna

2016                Venia Docendi (Habilitation) for Mineralogy and Crystallography, Uni Wien

2017-2022       PostDoc researcher and Lecturer, University of Vienna

since 2023       PostDoc, USTEM, TU Wien


since 2021       Secretary of the Austrian Mineralogical Society

International Research Stays (since 2019)

  1. July 2024 
    University of Wrocław, Poland 
    : Dr. Anna Potysz 
    Research Focus: Studied bacterial and microbial effects on the dissolution of industrial slags.
  2. June 2024 
    Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom 
    Dr. Miguel Gomez Gonzalez 
    Research Focus: Utilized advanced X-ray absorption techniques (XANES, EXAFS) to analyze the chemical speciation of thallium-bearing minerals, with implications for environmental monitoring and remediation.
  3. August–September 2023 & August–September 2022 
    Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 
    Prof. Dr. Aleš Vanĕk 
    Research Focus: Investigated thallium fractionation and speciation in soils as part of the SCT-Project (CZ 14/2020). Developed and optimized sampling strategies to distinguish between anthropogenic and geogenic sources of thallium contamination.
  4. May 2022 & October 2023 
    University "Goce Delčev", Štip, North Macedonia 
    Prof. Dr. Goran Tasev, Prof. Dr. Todor Serafimovski 
    Research Focus: Examined weathering products in mine waste materials at the Lojane As-Sb-Cr deposit, contributing to the development of environmental remediation strategies for mining-affected regions.
  5. July 2019 
    University of Zagreb, Croatia 
    Prof. Dr. Željko Skoko 
    Research Focus: Structural study of the metal-organic compounds using single-crystal X-ray diffraction at ambient conditions.
  6. May 2019 
    Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany 
    Prof. Dr. Juraj Majzlan 
    Research Focus: Conducted mineralogical studies of contaminants (arsenic, antimony, thallium) associated with sulfidic mining wastes.


Teaching (University of Vienna)

https://ufind.univie.ac.at/en/person.html?id=31355&teaching=true, opens an external URL in a new window



https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0429-2584?lang=en, opens an external URL in a new window


more links:

Mineralogy, University Vienna: https://mineralogie.univie.ac.at/en/, opens an external URL in a new window

Austrian Mineralogical Society (ÖMG): https://www.oemg.org/, opens an external URL in a new window

Research gate: https://researchgate.net/profile/Tamara-Dordevic-2, opens an external URL in a new window