Working group - Bauer



  • 1981: Diploma in Technical Physics, TU Wien
  • 1984: Doctor of Technical Sciences at the TU Wien
  • 1991: Venia Legendi (professorial dissertation) at the TU Wien, subject: "Solid State Physics"


  • since 1981- Assistant at the Institute for Experimental Physics (since 2002:Institute of Solid State Physics), TU Wien, Austria
  • since 1991 - Univ. Dozent, Assistant Professor
  • since October 1, 1997 – Associate Professor
  • May 2007 to December 2020: chairman of the curricula commission "Technische Physik" at TU Wien
  • October 2009: Appointment to Univ.Prof.

Research Activities and Results:

  • Highly correlated electron systems, superconductors, spin fluctuation systems, rare earth intermetallic compounds
  • Development of high pressure, high field and low temperature equipment
  • Leader of 10 research projects of the Austrian Science Foundation
  • FWF, 4 projects at FFG, 1 NEDO project (Japan), 1 EU project, leader of the "Christian Doppler Laboratory of Thermoelectricity (2013 - 2020)
  • About 450 papers in international journals and contributions to international conferences
  • Member of the International Advisory Board of „Strongly Correleated Electron Systems“, ICM’06, ICM'09, LT25, etc.
  • Chairman of the SCES’05 (Vienna, 2005)
  • chairman of COST P16, „ECOM“ (more than 50 groups from 25 European countries)
  • Chairman of the SCTE'18 (Vienna, 2018)


  • Basic courses for physics- and computer science students during the 2., 3. and 4. semester
  • Lecture on „Material Science“ (since 2004)
  • Lectures on “Highly Correlated Electron Systems“ (since 1988)
  • Supervision of Diploma and Ph.D. students.