LEED I(V), opens an external URL in a new window is one of the most accurate methods for surface structure determination. Unfortunately, due to the cumbersome data analysis and sub-optimal usability of computer programs for this method, the full potential of LEED I(V) has not been leveraged. Members of the surface physics group at TU Wien, together with Lutz Hammer (FAU Erlangen), have recently developed the ViPErLEED package, which greatly facilitates all aspects of LEED I(V) studies. You find descriptions of the ViPErLEED package in part I, opens an external URL in a new window and part II, opens an external URL in a new window of the article series, on viperleed.org, opens an external URL in a new window, and on the TACO website, opens an external URL in a new window.

With this satellite LEED I(V) Workshop, we want to convene and support the community. The workshop will cover three topics: (i) measurements, (ii) data extraction and processing, as well as (iii) calculations and structure optimisation. These topics will be covered on Friday, June 6, afternoon and Saturday, June 7 (full day), with hands-on examples. The workshop is open to LEED I(V) experts and novices alike. It is free of charge, but due to limited space, we ask for registration via email to ecscd-icsos@tuwien.ac.at.

The LEED I(V) Workshop will take place on the TU Wien campus, but not at the main conference site TUtheSky. We reserved the lecture hall FH HS4, opens an external URL in a new window at Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, opens an external URL in a new window, 2nd floor. This place is 500 m from the conference venue.