Students on workstations

Sequential Planning

A group of students at a workstation

Integral Planning

Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), program: Neue Energien 2020

Project Description

The aim of the project 'Cost and Benefits Analysis of Integrated Planning' is the life-cycle oriented analysis and simulation of the costs and benefits of the increased efforts for integrated planning for the design of sustainable buildings. Final aim is the compilation of integrated planning guidelines for planers, investors and policy makers.

Experimental comparison of planning processes

As part of the Co-Be project the Department for Labor Science and Organization jointly with the project partners from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture and Planning designed an explorative laboratory experiment to compare traditional sequential and integral building planning processes.

On March 7th, 2011 total of 160 architecture and civil engineering students participated in groups of four (assuming the roles architect, civil engineer, client and business) in the full-day experiment which was designed as a student contest for the planning of a smoothie-bar.

In the sequential planning treatment the roles were separated in different rooms of the main building of TU Wien and students cooperated in bilateral meetings. In the integral planning treatment all roles of one team were grouped together in one working booth in the Prechtl Saal and the Festsaal of TU Wien.

We assigned the students to the treatments in a way that minimizes the variance of education and experiments across the treatments and provided all groups with exactly the same materials to solve their task, so that differences can be assigned to the different planning processes used.

During the planning process the participants had to record their workload, conflicts and how much time thex spent on which tasks. At the end of the experiment the participants answered a post questionnaire. At the moment we are coding and analysing the gathered data.



Institute of Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Institute of Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management

Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture


Related Master Theses Projects

Andreas Sikora - participation in the conception and accomplishment of the experiment

Claus Brauner & Bernhard Kallinger - coding and analysis of the results