Abstract: Between 2004 and 2008 a postgraduate university course for Sustainable Product Development / ECODESIGN was offered. This course is based on eLearning and operated at the TU Wien. The course helps developing products with better environmental performance and aids with implementing into practice. The combination of online and presence lessons creates a vivid learning environment and offers a maximum of flexibility in time and space.

Duration: 2002 - 2004

Funding: ESF (Europäischer Sozialfonds), BMBWK (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur)


  • Schweizerisches Institut für Systems Engineering
  • Institut für Materialwissenschaften und Werkstoffkunde, TU Wien
Woman in business outfit with short hair holds hands open towards viewer

© Forschungsgruppe Ecodesign

University course