Library of the research unit

Books and journals can be borrowed! The TU Wien's CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window provides an overview of the books available at the ifoer. If you are interested in a book, would like to borrow one or have any questions, please contact us by e-mail.


Temporary and Tactical Urbanism: (Re)Assembling Urban Space | Quentin Stevens, Kim Dovey

Photograph of book cover.

Graz: 4.0 Flächenwidmungsplan, 4.0 Stadtentwicklungskonzept, vertiefende Betrachtungen zum STEK, Stadtklimaanalysen (1986, 1996, 2004 & 2011) | Stadt Graz (Hrsg.)

Cover: 4.0 Flächenwidmungsplan, 4.0 Stadtentwicklungskonzept, vertiefende Betrachtungen zum STEK, Stadtklimaanalysen (1986, 1996, 2004 & 2011)