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Numerous new publications from the LoReMi research project: Local responses to migrants with precarious status

Cover of the publication

Due to restrictive national laws, migrants with precarious immigration status have no or only limited access to social services in European countries. The exclusion of parts of the population from access to public services is a challenge for local authorities across Europe. It undermines their ability to achieve important policy goals such as reducing homelessness, protecting public health, or protecting children, as well as ensuring the compliance with human rights. Municipalities are therefore developing local approaches to include this segment of their population into basic services. The European comparative research project "LoReMi - Local Responses to Precarious Migrants: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe" has investigated the strategies and innovative practices they use as well as the political, legal and practical challenges that exist, based on the three cities of Cardiff (Wales, UK), Frankfurt am Main (Germany) and Vienna (Austria).

Numerous publications from the research project are now available in German and English: in addition to case study reports on Vienna, Frankfurt and Cardiff, there is also a comparative report, including corresponding summaries, and a policy paper with policy recommendations.

Vienna Case Study Report:

Deutsch: Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in Wien: Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken, opens an external URL in a new window

Zusammenfassung: Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in Wien: Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken, opens an external URL in a new window

English: Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Vienna: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices, opens an external URL in a new window

Summary: Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Vienna: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices, opens an external URL in a new window

Comparative Report:

English: Local Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status: A Comparative Report on Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe, opens an external URL in a new window

English Summary: Local Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status: A Comparative Report on Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe, opens an external URL in a new window

Zusammenfassung Deutsch: Lokale Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus: Ein vergleichender Bericht über Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken in Europa, opens an external URL in a new window

Policy Brief:

Deutsch: Inklusion von Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in grundlegende Dienstleistungen: Zehn Politikempfehlungen, opens an external URL in a new window

English: Inclusion of Precarious Migrants in Essential Services: Ten Policy Recommendations, opens an external URL in a new window

All reports are available for download on the COMPAS website of the University of Oxford, opens an external URL in a new window in the "Outputs" section.