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Scholarship with Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe) for the Executive MBA Space Architecture

Exclusive 50% Scholarship for WIA-Europe Members

50% Scholarship for Executive MBA Space Architecture

TU Vienna and Women in Space Europe (WIA-Europe), opens an external URL in a new window are offering a unique opportunity for WIA-Europe members to apply for a scholarship for the Executive MBA Space Architecture program. This scholarship, tailored for professionals, includes a substantial 50% tuition waiver for the selected candidate entering the program in March 2024.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for the Executive MBA scholarship, applicants must have:

  • A first academic degree
  • At least 3 years of professional experience
  • Equivalent education and professional qualifications will also be considered
  • WIA-Europe membership in good standing


  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Transcripts and certificates of academic degrees (translated if necessary)
  • Copy of the passport
  • Letter of motivation outlining professional background, development goals, and justification for the scholarship (Note: Scholarship application only possible for self-payers)
  • Strong language skills in the respective language of instruction
  • Letter of recommendation from a (former) employer

About the program: Executive MBA in Space Architecture

TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education offers a unique interdisciplinary Executive MBA program in Space Architecture that bridges the gap between economics, engineering, architecture, and Technology & Leadership. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing global issues such as resource management, technology utilization, and climate concerns while also providing training in space technology and planning.

Designed to accommodate working professionals, TU Vienna’s Executive MBA in Space Architecture is an 18-month program that allows you to balance your job, family, and MBA. Classes are conducted in a convenient block format, usually from Thursday to Sunday, occurring approximately every four weeks, totaling 45 teaching days.

Women in Aerospace Europe

Women In Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe), opens an external URL in a new window is a non-for-profit organisation, committed to promoting female talent and leadership across all levels of the European aerospace sector. While welcoming the progress made in the past decades in accelerating the growth of female talent in the aerospace industry, WIA-Europe is recognising that there are still considerable pay gaps, underrepresentation and inequality that need to be addressed.

Apply now

Send the complete application to

with the subject line “WIA-Europe scholarship”. Following the application deadline, successful applicants will be invited to an online meeting.