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The WIA-Europe Scholarship goes to Ms. Marília Matos

The TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education and Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA Europe) have awarded a scholarship to support a female aerospace expert in her career development.

Marilia Matos

Marilia Matos

The TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education is offering a new Executive MBA Space Architecture program, opens in new window  to bridge the gap between business, engineering, architecture and other technical and social sciences and connect space with Earth. This unique interdisciplinary MBA provides knowledge and expertise on new technologies and strategies for designing, building and living in space.

As a non-profit organization, Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe), opens an external URL in a new window supports female aerospace professionals for their career development and network expansion in the aerospace community. With a scholarship, WIA-Europe indirectly contributes to the promotion of a young talented female aerospace professional.

A hearing for the WIA-Europe scholarship took place on February 1, 2024. Due to her motivation, professional experience and financial need, Ms. Marilia Matos finally convinced the jury, consisting of Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Academic Director, Mag. Catherine Purrucker, Head of the program, and Ms. Diana Pueyo, WIA-Europe.

Ms. Marilia Matos was born in Portugal and holds an MSc in Aerospace Engineering with a specialization in Astronautics. Throughout her career, she has acquired expertise in aerospace engineering. She has worked as Galileo Software Product Assurance (PA) Engineer at DLR GfR in Oberpfaffenhofen.  Currently she is working as a Space Rider Ground Segment Engineer at ESA, an opportunity that arose after two years as a National Trainee in the Directorate of Space Transportation at ESRIN.

She is a highly motivated, resilient and active person who is fascinated by technology and wants to make a real positive impact on the world. With the Executive MBA program, she wants to improve her leadership and innovation skills, expand her technical knowledge and collaborate with international partners in an interdisciplinary environment.

The Executive MBA Space Architecture starts on March 7, 2024 for the first time. Detailed information is available at 

Late application is still possible!