All news at TU Wien

Welcome to the newly founded Institute of Biomedical Electronics at TU Wien

The Institute of Biomedical Electronics addresses the interfacing of electronics with the biological and human world, ultimately aiming for improved strategies in healthcare.

Human hand with electrodes for measuring excitable retinal cells. On the left, retinal cells viewed through the microscope.

© Eugenijus Kaniusas | BME

Retinal cells, hand with electrodes

We focus on the development and application of in-vitro, in-vivo, and in-silico systems for biomedical research and applications, on new wearable hardware concepts, on biosystem modelling, and signal processing.

The Institute of Biomedical Electronics teaches Fundamentals in Electrical Engineering (Bachelor program) and courses in Biomedical Engineering (Master program) at TU Wien. The dean of academic affairs Biomedical Engineering is with the Institute.