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From a niche topic to a killer application: Maintenance as a Key Value Driver

In the era of Industry 4.0, supply chain management still faces the challenge of operating with increasingly complex networks under high uncertainty.

Automotive Maintenance

These uncertainties influence decision-making processes and change the balance in the supply chain. Enterprises, therefore, strive to enable data-driven decision-making by increasing the digitalization and intelligentization of their processes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches in particular can reinforce enterprises to proactively respond to changes and problems in the supply chain at an early stage and thus plan ahead. Utilizing predictive analytics and semantic modeling may improve target performance metrics, increases flexibility, and enables the development of a resilient and viable supply chain.

In particular, maintenance management approaches nowadays are more and more transformed to (semi-) automated knowledge-based decision support systems. Knowledge-Based Maintenance is about integrating predictive and prescriptive approaches. Predictive Maintenance will develop from a niche topic to a killer application in 10 years using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) thus enhancing effective, sustainable, efficient and resilient manufacturing systems.

The Executive MBA Automotive Management provides an AI-enhanced approach for integrative modeling and analysis of related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) towards building resilience and viability in manufacturing and supply chains.

Key Facts
Final Degree: Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in Management & Technology | Automotive Management

ECTS Credits: 92

Duration: 3 semesters + Master's Thesis

Structure: Part-time, blocked in modules

Language: English

Tuition Fee: EUR 28,390.00 (excl. travel and accommodation costs), -10% Reduction for TU Wien Graduates

Financial Support & Funding: All details can be found on our website.

Admission Requirements: First academic degree; 3 years of work experience; personal interview

*) Persons holding an equivalent educational and professional qualification may also be admitted.

Locations: TU Wien, surrounding area of Vienna; international module in the Stuttgart Region (Germany)

Academic Director: Wilfried Sihn