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Visions, needs and requirements for (future) research environments: An exploration series by TU Wien

Since the start of the EOSC initiative, the needs of potential stakeholders were put into focus – among them, naturally, the wishes and requirements of researchers and research institutions.

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To understand what research communities require to perform cutting-edge research, EOSCSecretariat, opens an external URL in a new window partner TU Wien engaged with international and diverse research communities, University Networks as well as with representatives from funding bodies. As part of these activities, a series of workshops, opens an external URL in a new window, explorations and consultations with Nobel Laureates, ERC grant holders, members of the Marie Curie Alumni Association and members of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) were organized – all with an emphasis on visions, needs and requirements for future research environments.

The series was launched in December 2019. Ever since the first talk with an expert for Physics of Nanostructured Materials was published, more explorations followed with researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technical Science and Medical and Health Sciences. TU Wien considered geographical spread as well as the need to think of research as a global endeavor. Ten interviews have been published so far, though, knowing that discussions on preferred (future) research environments cannot be limited to the period of one project or initiative, more is still to come.

For further information on what researchers need to do cutting-edge research, or how they think the EOSC could support them in their endeavors, please, check out the interviews below.

Inquired: What researchers say

Workshop reports and key takeaway messages

EOSC Interest Groups

The EOSC Secretariat has created Interest Groups (IGs) were created to give the EOSC related community the opportunity to collaborate, share information, and discuss EOSC related topics. For researchers’ engagement, see

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TU Wien is partner in the H2020 project,, opens an external URL in a new window delivering 360° support to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Governance. Specifically, it addresses the need for the set-up of an operational framework supporting the overall Governance of the EOSC. contacts at TU Wien has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019, Grant Agreement number 831644.