All news at TU Wien

TU Vision: Summer Semester 2021

Digital Salon IV: "Corona – Review and Outlook" (april), Talk & Discussion: "I Do(n’t) Want to Be a Polar Bear in the Arctic" (may), „ERDE“ (Geyerhalter) Filmscreening + Diskussion (june)

Blue-purple tinted round sunglasses in the foreground lie on a summery wooden walkway.

Continuing with our theme from the winter term, we will focus our programme on the climate crisis, digital transformation and scientific responsibility.

  • Tuesday, 20.04. | Digital Salon IV: "Corona – Review and Outlook"
  • | Talk and Discussion: "I Do(n’t) Want to Be a Polar Bear in the Arctic"
  • | Film Screening and Discussion: "EARTH" by Nikolaus Geyerhalter (free entry)


Tuesday, 20.04. | Digital Salon IV: "Corona – Review and Outlook"

One year after the beginning of the COVID-19-Pandemic and our first "Digital Salon" on this topic, we venture to look back, yet also look ahead: What aspects have been handled well or badly? Have we gained or lost as a knowledge-based society? Have we gained or lost as a democracy? What will remain from the pandemic?

We will be talking with

  • Alexandra Bosek (Austrian Federal School Representative)
  • Simon Güntner (TU Wien, Sociology)
  • Norbert Kreuzinger (TU Wien, Water Quality and Resource Management)
  • Wolfgang Schlögl (independent musician)
  • Alfredo Soldati (TU Wien, Aerosols and Fluid Mechanics)
  • Dorothee von Laer (MedUni Innsbruck, virologist)

Moderation: Walter Hämmerle (Wiener Zeitung – Editor-in-Chief)

Please note that the talk will (mostly) be held in German.

When and where

Tuesday, 20.04.2021, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Zoom, opens an external URL in a new window (Meeting-ID: 957 7834 9935)

Monday, 31.05. | Talk and Discussion: "I Do(n’t) Want to Be a Polar Bear in the Arctic"

The Responsibility of Science in the Climate Crisis

The climate crisis has become an integral part of today’s political debate and cultural reflections. Yet resolute action is still wanting. What is science’s responsibility? How can we provide an impetus for a fundamental shift? This talk will be dedicated to questions surrounding the climate crisis and science communication.

We will be talking with

  • Antje Boetius (polar researcher and Director of Alfred-Wegener-Instituts – AWI, Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research)
  • Verena Madner (Professor for Public Law, Environmental Law, Public und Urban Governance, WU Wien; Vice-President of the Austrian Constitutional Tribunal)
  • Wouter Dorigo (Professor at the Department for Geodesy and Geoinformation, TU Wien; member of the network "Scientists for Future - Austria“)

Please note that the talk will be held in German.

When and where

Monday (!), 31.05.2021, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Zoom, opens an external URL in a new window (Meeting-ID: 996 2212 4910)

Tuesday, 15.06. | Film Screening and Discussion: “EARTH” by Nikolaus Geyerhalter

Film screening of the documentary "EARTH" by Nikolaus Geyerhalter, winner of the Austrian Film Award for "Best Documentary" 2020. Followed by a discussion with director and producer Nikolaus Geyerhalter (tbc) as well as TU Wien scientists.

About the film

"Several billion tons of earth are moved annually by humans - with shovels, excavators or dynamite. Nikolaus Geyrhalter observes people, in mines, quarries and at large construction sites, engaged in a constant struggle to take possession of the planet.", opens an external URL in a new window

Please note that the film will be screened in original version with German subtitles.

When and where

Tuesday, 15.06.2021, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus (subject to COVID-19-safety measures!)
Free entry. Limited number of participants!
Registration required by 02.06.2021 via e-mail to


More Information about TU Vision

For further details visit:, opens an external URL in a new window

The team of TU Vision is looking forward to seeing you soon!