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Start your MBA Journey: Early Bird Bonus & Scholarships

Join or MBA programs in October 2021 with our special Early Bird discount or a scholarship.


Start your mind-changing Journey

Our technology-driven world offers us unprecedented opportunities, but at the same time poses unique challenges to executives and organizations due to its speed and complexity. Managers need special skills to be able to operate successfully in this context. This is exactly where our MBA programs in the field of Management & Technology come in. 

You will gain the know-how to steer your organization in a goal-oriented manner and acquire the ability to have a say and make decisions regarding management issues and new technologies. With the completion of one of our programs and a backpack filled with methods, you will know the route that lies ahead of your organization. So that you can explain the way to the summit to your team in detail your personal development and leadership skills are also in the focus of attention. This enables you as a manager to make the right decisions even in stormy times and to master any climb, no matter how steep.

Early Bird Bonus

Benefit from 15% Super Early Bird Bonus if you apply by 07/25/2021 and 10% Early Bird Bonus if you apply by 08/29/2021. Find all details about the offer here.


For the start of our MBA programs in October 2021, we offer partial scholarships to women as well as to aspiring young leaders with a strong profile and high motivation. All details about our Young Professionals and Diversity in Leadership scholarships can be found here.

MBA Programs in Detail

Find the MBA Journey that fits your goals! Details about our MBA programs can be found on the program websites:

For more information and personal consultations, Christine Hudetz is available as your MBA guide via or +43-664-60588-7788.