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RDM: What’s new in Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe moves beyond open access to open science for which it features a comprehensive policy implemented from the proposal stage to project reporting.

Horizon Europe graphic


The Horizon Europe Regulation sets the legal basis for the open science obligations and incentives that apply to Horizon Europe beneficiaries. The Annotated Grant Agreement provides guidance on how to comply with the open science obligations required in the Model Grant Agreement.

In Horizon Europe, open science practices are considered in the evaluation of proposals, under ‘excellence’ and under the ‘quality and efficiency of implementation’ (ERC proposals excluded). There are mandatory open science practices, which are required for all projects through the Model Grant Agreement and/or through the work programme or call conditions, and recommended practices. Recommended open science practices are incentivised through their evaluation at the proposal stage. Proposers should be aware of both mandatory and recommended practices and integrate them into their proposals.

Data management in Horizon Europe

In Horizon Europe, great importance is attached to research data management (RDM) and the FAIR principles. Data management plans (DMPs) are mandatory. If you expect to generate or reuse data and/or other research outputs (except for publications), you are required to outline in a maximum of one page how these will be managed.

The current Programme Guide includes a Horizon Europe DMP template. The use of this template is recommended but not mandatory.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (DG), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien