All news at TU Wien

Politically correct - no question?

Respect and fairness are the focus of a three-part e-learning course developed on behalf of TU Wien. Now it is available to all employees and students.


Respekt und Fairness gehen uns alle an

What is diversity all about? What is sexual harassment? Do you think you have ever experienced unconscious bias? The best opportunity to find out for sure is the three-part e-learning course on the topic, which was developed for the TU Wien on initiative of Vice Rector Anna Steiger (Human Resources and Gender) and Vice Rector Kurt Matyas (Academic Affairs) – as one of the direct implementations of the results from the last student and staff survey.

You benefit in many ways from this e-learning course, because on the basis of the comprehensible and often entertaining modules, knowledge can be expanded, behavior can be reflected and changed. It is important to the TU Wien to convey social competence which is valued by society and industry. There is a lot at stake: respectful interaction with each other and taking our social responsibility for each other seriously. Students receive one ECTS point for completing the e-learning courses. All three parts of the course are barrier-free and available in German and English.

All information can be found at the link:

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Neue E-Learning Angebote zum Thema Diversity