All news at TU Wien

24th Austrian Climate Day 2024

From 02.04 – 04.04 at the TU Wien CCCA Climate Change Centre AUSTRIA

Klimatag 2024

KlimaTag 2024 from April 2nd to April 4th at TU Vienna - CCCA Climate Change Centre AUSTRIA


The Austrian Climate Day is a scientific conference aimed at providing an overview of current Austrian research activities in the areas of climate change and transformation. It serves as an interdisciplinary networking event for the climate and climate impact research community, providing both young and established researchers alike with the opportunity to present their research. Additionally, it serves as a platform for the presentation of current ACRP projects in the presence of the ACRP Steering Committee. The event offers additional opportunities for dialogue with stakeholders from politics, administration, and research funding, and also facilitates exchanges with business leaders, practitioners, and the interested public

Four members of our research group took part in this event with an online presentation contribution. The links to their brilliant works are as follows; click on them to find more information about their research!

Toni Bakovic (TU Wien): Rheologische Charakterisierung von Tonleimen für nachhaltigen fließfähigen Lehmbeton, opens an external URL in a new window

Johannes Kirnbauer (TU Wien): Herstellung von Beton mit Asche aus Holzverbrennung als Zementersatz: Einfluss auf die Festigkeitseigenschaften, opens an external URL in a new window

Meriton Ramizi (TU Wien): Herstellung eines CO2-reduzierten (oder sogar negativen) Betons: Einfluss des Biokohlegehalts auf die Frisch- und Festbetoneigenschaften, opens an external URL in a new window

Delara Etezad (TU Wien): Physical and Chemical Characterization of Sustainable Basalt-Reinforced  Clay-Concrete, opens an external URL in a new window