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Announcement of Network Infrastructure Maintenance Works in Building Areas AA and AB (Karlsplatz 13), June 27 through 30, 2022

Due to the renewal of network infrastructure devices in the building AA (Karlsplatz 13), short outages of network connectivity will occur between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. from June 27 through 30, 2022.

The network switches will be replaced by more recent and performant devices.

The following building areas are affected:

  • Karlsplatz 13 / "Haupttrakt": AAU1, AAEG, AA01, AA02, AA03,  AA04
  • Karlsplatz 13 / "Hoftrakt": ABU1, ABEG
  • Karlsplatz 13 / "Hof I" - Construction Work Containers

The following services will be interrupted within the maintenance:

  • Computers, Printers, etc. - outage duration ca. 1 minute
  • Landline Phones - outage duration ca. 3-4 minutes
  • Electronic Access Systems and Cameras - outage duration ca. 1 minute
  • WLAN Network - outage duration ca. 5 minutes
  • Public Terminals and Infoscreens - outage duration ca. 1 minute
  • Lecture Hall Network and / or Multimedia Devices in AA0241, AA0428 and AA0448 ("Kuppelsaal") - outage duration ca. 5 minutes